2- Shoyo's Awakening

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Time Skip...

Sora's POV

It's been many years and I and Shoyo are now in our 2nd year of middle school, which makes us 14 years old. Me and Shoyo enrolled at Yukigaoka Junior High just like in the anime.

It's not just me and Shoyo that enrolled there, Koji and Izumi also joined, making us closer than before.

Speaking of Shoyo, he still has not developed a passion for Volleyball which made me worried. He has been joining different kinds of Sports clubs for fun, but for some reason, he still has not joined the Tennis club and Volleyball club.

It makes sense he didn't join Volleyball since Yukigaoka Junior High doesn't have any Volleyball teams for boys. But for not joining the Tennis Club? I have no idea. I'm in the Tennis Club, so, how come he doesn't wanna join? I still have not asked him about it yet.

There's also the fact that 6 years ago, our mother gave birth to Natsu, our little sister. I and Shoyo would often dote on Natsu due to how adorable she is.

But do you know what happened to me? Well, I joined different Tennis competitions during my elementary days. Thanks to my experience in my previous, I have been demolishing my opponents.

A lot of people were surprised at me since I was capable of defeating kids that were twice my age and physical size, and that slightly made me popular in Japan.

Anyway, let's all go to the present situation...

Right now, I am currently in the middle of a tennis stadium.

"Let us all welcome, this year's champion in National Tennis Middle School Tournament, Sora Hinata!" The announcer said as the whole crowd cheered.

Yes, you read that right. I won this year's National Tennis Middle School Tournament. I also won last year, by the way, not bragging or anything.

Unfortunately, Shoyo, Natsu, and Mother are not among the crowds. Shoyo has to stay for school lessons and watch out for Natsu while Mom was busy with work. Even though Mom is busy, she was still supportive of me.

I then held my trophy up in my arms and the crowd cheered louder.


Time skip

With the trophy firmly in my hands, I began my journey home. As I walked, strangers passing by would notice the trophy and congratulate me on my victory. Each time, I graciously responded with a heartfelt "Thank you," appreciating their kind words.

After a while, I finally arrived at the familiar front door of my house. Opening it, I stepped inside and called out, "I'm home!"

To my delight, Shoyo, my younger twin brother, was there to welcome me.

He quickly approached me and enveloped me in a tight hug. "Congratulations, Aniki!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining with pride.

I chuckled warmly and affectionately ruffled his hair. "Thanks, Shoyo. I couldn't have done it without your support," I replied, reciprocating the hug.

By the way, Shoyo had grown taller than his manga or anime counterpart, thanks to the training exercises I had been encouraging him to do. I also made sure to provide him with foods that would help him grow taller at his age.

In his middle school form, which was his current state, Shoyo stood at an impressive height of 5'4". I was genuinely happy to see him taller in this world, knowing that his increased height would greatly benefit him in his volleyball journey.

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