7- Yukigaoka Junior High vs Kitagawa Daiichi (Part 3)

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Author's Note:

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for taking the time to read this fanfic and for your continued support through voting. Your encouragement and enthusiasm are what keep me motivated to write and share this story with you.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this fanfic :D


On Kitagawa Daiichi's side, they discussed a new strategy they would use in the third set.

"Kageyama, do you have any insights from their playstyle?" The coach of Kitagawa Daiichi asked.

"Uhm...well..." Kageyama started, "I think they realize that their Quick Attack is becoming less effective and decided to resort to other strategies.

"Kageyama is not particularly adept at analyzing other things, but when it comes to volleyball, he excels at analyzing the game and its dynamics."

The coach raised one of his brows, "What do you mean by "other strategies"?" he asked.

"I think they're going to decoy more since they used that before." Kageyama continued, "I also notice that aside from those carrot heads, the other members seem average with their volleyball skills."

"I see." The coach replied and continued, "In that case, we need to be prepared for their decoy plays. Make sure our blockers stay focused and don't get easily fooled. As for their average players, we shouldn't underestimate them either. They might step up their game anytime, so stay vigilant."

The team nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of adapting their defence and maintaining their concentration throughout the match.

The coach added, "Their quick attacks might be losing effectiveness, but that doesn't mean they won't try them. Keep an eye on the Orange-haired twins and be ready to adjust our block and defence accordingly."

The members of the Kitagawa Daiichi volleyball club nodded.

"Kageyama, I want you to be the setter again for the final set." The coach continued, "I hope you will not repeat the same mistake from the last set, or I will bench you for the entire tournament."

Kageyama nodded with a terrified face, "Y-Yes, coach!"

Kunimi snickered from what he was seeing. He couldn't believe the King of the Court was being bossed around.


The referee blew the whistle, indicating it was time to start the third set.

The members of Yukigaoka Junior High and Kitagawa Daiichi returned to the court to position themselves.


As the match continued, Kitagawa Daiichi had managed to establish a lead, with the score now standing at 6-11 in their favour.

Following their coach's instructions, they executed their plays precisely and started dominating the game. Their players moved with determination and coordination, putting Yukigaoka on the defensive.

Despite Kitagawa Daiichi's strong performance, Yukigaoka was not giving up easily. They had a secret weapon – a clever decoy strategy that sometimes caught their opponents off guard. This tactic earned them valuable points, making the match more competitive.

Kitagawa Daiichi managed a solid serve in one intense rally, and Koji received the ball smoothly.

Sora quickly moved into position, ready to set up the perfect quick attack for Shoyo. The crowd leaned forward in anticipation, knowing the dynamic duo's capabilities.

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