22- Keeping Up With The Tennis Club

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During the match, Sora observed intently, providing vocal encouragement to both teams. His hands itched to join the action, but his injury held him back from actively participating.

Post-game, Coach Keishin conducted a thorough analysis of the players' performance. Identifying areas for improvement, he emphasized the need to enhance receiving, blocking, and serving skills.

The intensity of the upcoming practice match against Nekoma in 2 weeks added an extra layer of anticipation, sparking excitement in Sora's eyes.

Keishin approached Sora, inquiring about his potential participation within the week. Sora responded cautiously, "I'm not sure; I need to consult my doctor first."

With that, the team was dismissed for the day, leaving an air of determination and preparation lingering in the gymnasium.


After completing their cleaning duties in the gymnasium, Sora and Shoyo made their way towards the gate.

Shoyo was holding his and Sora's bag. Sora insists that he can carry it but seeing Shoyo's determination, he decides to let him do it.

As they exited the gate, Shoyo suggested, "Aniki, I can carry you."

Sora chuckled, "No, thanks, Sho. I can walk, you know."

However, Shoyo sighed and determinedly bent down, gesturing for Sora to climb on his back.

Sora raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Are you serious?"

Shoyo nodded, "Yep, hop on!"

Sora laughed and decided to indulge Shoyo's whims. "Alright, alright." He hopped onto Shoyo's back, and Shoyo carried him on a piggyback ride.


As Sora hopped on, they heard Nishinoya.

They turned around and saw Nishinoya. Behind him were Sugawara, Daichi, Tanaka, Kageyama, and surprisingly, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi.

"Hey, Noya-san! What brings you here?" Sora called out, still perched on Shoyo's back.

Nishinoya flashed a wide grin, "Hey, Sora-san! I owe you some ice cream as a token of gratitude!"

Sora raised an intrigued eyebrow, "Why's that?"

"Because you clued me in on something I was oblivious to!" Nishinoya chuckled, "Turns out, letting my hair down can draw attention from the ladies!"

In that moment, Sora's mind raced with a revelation. 'So that's the reason he let his hair down after I ruffled it,' he mused to himself.

Shoyo's eyes sparkled, "Noya-san, can I also have some ice cream too?" he asked.

Nishinoya laughed, "Of course, Shoyo-San! Ice cream for everyone!"

Sora grinned, appreciating the unexpected joy that came from a simple interaction.

Daichi, with a playful grin, put his arm on Nishinoya's shoulder, leaning in a bit, "Hey, what about us?"

"Yeah, what about us?" Sugawara chimed in with a teasing smile.

Nishinoya turned around to see Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Kageyama nodding in agreement. His eyes widened in realization, and he felt a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. 'My allowance would be zero!'

Sora, quick to read the situation, decided to play the hero. "Since I have a lot of money from sponsorships," he said with a nonchalant wave, "I can treat you all to some ice cream."

The mention of Sora's ample sponsorships caught everyone, except Shoyo, by surprise, and a collective cheer erupted from the group. Nishinoya, relieved at the reprieve from potential financial strain, grinned widely.

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