23- An Encounter With A Cat

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A fresh day marked the start of club activities, and Sora and Yamaguchi stood outside the volleyball gymnasium. Inside, other members engaged in practice matches.

"Okay, Yams. Let's start with the basics," Sora said, proceeding to explain the fundamentals of float serves to Yamaguchi, who nodded in understanding.

Sora picked up a nearby volleyball, turned to Yamaguchi, and said, "Watch closely."

With a smooth motion, Sora demonstrated the float serve. The ball glided through the air without a clear spin, showcasing the distinctive technique. The simplicity of Sora's explanation and demonstration set the stage for Yamaguchi to grasp the basics of the elusive float serve.

Sora handed another volleyball to Yamaguchi with a supportive smile. "You try," he encouraged.

Yamaguchi took a deep breath, focusing on the instructions. As he tossed the ball, he tried to mimic Sora's technique. Despite a bit of spin, Sora observed and offered positive feedback.

"That's great for someone trying it for the first time," Sora said, recognizing Yamaguchi's effort and encouraging him to continue practicing.

Sora playfully ruffled Yamaguchi's hair, eliciting a subtle blush on Yamaguchi's cheeks.

"S-Sora-San," Yamaguchi stammered.

Sora, realizing his playful action, widened his eyes. "Oops, my bad," he chuckled, immediately ceasing the hair ruffling.

"Sora-San, why do you have a habit of ruffling someone's hair?" Yamaguchi asked, his curiosity evident.

With a warm smile, Sora admitted, "I have a habit of ruffling someone's hair if I find them cute."

Yamaguchi blushed once again, stuttering, "C-Cute?"

Sora nodded with enthusiasm, "Yeah!"

The genuine fondness in Sora's response only added to the light-hearted atmosphere, leaving Yamaguchi both flustered and smiling at the unexpected compliment.

"Sora-San and Yamaguchi-San, Coach Ukai is calling you two back here," Ennoshita called out from the door.

"We'll be right there!" Sora responded with a smile.

Sora then turned to Yamaguchi, "Let's go," he said, leading the way back to where Coach Ukai and others awaited.


"Okay, as you're aware, we're going to have a practice match against Nekoma in two weeks," Coach Ukai announced, prompting the team's attention. "Which is why we're going to have a one-week training camp, starting tomorrow."

Shoyo's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Training Camp!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm palpable.

Sora chuckled, finding Shoyo's excitement contagious. Despite the physical changes he had undergone, Shoyo still hadn't experienced a training camp.

Kageyama, ever the composed one, turned to Shoyo. "Calm down, will you?"

Shoyo turned to Kageyama, his excitement undeterred. "I have never been in a camp before."

Tsukishima, displaying his usual cynicism, commented, "I don't see what's so fun about being with shabby buffoons."

Tanaka, quick to defend his teammates, turned to Tsukishima furiously. "Tsukishima!"

Nishinoya, equally passionate, glared at Tsukishima. "There's nothing shabby about being 500 meters from Kiyoko-San."

"The camp location is near my house, so I'm going home once I'm finished," Kiyoko casually mentioned.

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