25- Reunion of Two Crows and One Cat

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Hello, everyone! Sorry for my absence but I have news to share with you all!

I have a new original book named "Aubert's Odyssey"

You can check it out on my profile page here on wattpad!

You can check it out on my profile page here on wattpad!

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By the way, it's also available on Webnovel!

Anyways, enjoy your reading!


"Alright, gear up, everyone! Our showdown with Nekoma in the practice match is just around the corner," Coach Ukai declared enthusiastically.

The Karasuno squad disembarked from the bus, greeted by a chorus of yawns and stretches.

"Haa!" Sora let out a big yawn, stretching his arms wide.

Seizing the opportunity, Shora playfully draped his arms around Shoyo's shoulders, pleading, "Sho, I'm still in dreamland; can you be my wake-up call and give me a piggyback ride?"

Shoyo, smiled and replied, "Nope."

Sora, feeling a tad dramatic, gasped theatrically. "My little brother doesn't care about me?! How dreadful!"

Shoyo rolled his eyes in good humor and strolled towards the gymnasium.

Sora sighed, accepting his fate, and followed Shoyo toward the gymnasium.

As they walked, Shoyo spotted Kenma by the door of the gymnasium.

Eager to confirm Sora's information, Shoyo approached him and called out, "Kenma!"

"Hmm?" Kenma turned around, noticing Shoyo.

Shoyo observed Kenma's uniform, realizing that Sora's earlier revelation about Kenma playing for Nekoma was accurate.

"So, you do play for Nekoma. Aniki was right," Shoyo remarked, a mix of curiosity and excitement in his voice.

"Yeah," Kenma responded with his characteristic calm demeanor.

Sora, exuding enthusiasm, wrapped his arm around Shoyo and chimed in, "Hey there, Kenma! Nice to see you again!"

Kenma acknowledged with a simple, "Nice to see you again," maintaining his characteristic calm demeanor.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The trio turned around to find a guy with thick eyebrows and a blonde mohawk approaching – none other than Taketora Yamamoto.

"What do you two think you're doing with our setter?" Yamamoto questioned, attempting to intimidate the twins.

However, Shoyo and Sora remained unfazed. Having faced more formidable challenges, a confrontation with Yamamoto didn't rattle them.

Besides, Sora, with his quick wit, had dealt with worse situations before, and Shoyo was always ready to back him up.

Sora seized the opportunity to tease Yamamoto about his distinctive haircut, "Nice mohawk, by the way. Are you auditioning for a new hairstyle trend?"

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