3- Yukigaoka Volleyball Club

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Sora's POV

It was the beginning of the new school year, marking the start of our third year in middle school. Shoyo and I were excited about the possibilities and challenges that lay ahead.

Over the past year, Shoyo had been diligently following the exercise regimen I recommended, and it had paid off.

He had grown from 5'4" to 5'6", which made me proud of his progress. Not only did he focus on physical fitness, but he also followed my advice on maintaining a balanced diet to support his growth.

Fast forward to the present moment, I found myself in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the three of us: Shoyo, Natsu, and myself. Our mother was absent, and occupied with her work, so I had taken on the responsibility of cooking in her absence as the eldest sibling.

As I worked in the kitchen, I heard Shoyo's tired voice greeting me, "Good morning, Aniki."

I turned around and noticed Shoyo, with his disheveled hair and rubbing his sleepy eyes.

With a smile, I replied, "Good morning, Shoyo. Did you sleep well?"

Shoyo nodded slowly, his fatigue evident. He approached me and eagerly observed the food I was preparing. His tiredness was instantly replaced by excitement when he spotted something in particular.

"Aniki, is that bacon?!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Amused by his sudden change in mood, I chuckled and confirmed his guess.

"Yes, it is. I thought we could celebrate the start of our third year of middle school with a special breakfast."

"I see," Shoyo acknowledged, looking pleased.

He then hopped onto the kitchen counter and asked, "Aniki, can you help me with something?"

"What is it, Shoyo?" I inquired while keeping a watchful eye on the bacon sizzling in the pan.

I have a feeling that Shoyo is going to ask me for help in looking for members for a volleyball club.

"Well," Shoyo began, "I want to find members for a volleyball club."

As I expected, Shoyo's request aligned with the storyline from the manga. Yukigaoka Middle School lacked a boys' volleyball team, so it made perfect sense for Shoyo to seek my help in assembling a team.

I nodded in understanding, "I see. You want to create a volleyball club for the guys."

Shoyo's face lit up with anticipation, confirming my assumption.

He hopped off the counter and stood before me, eyes shining with hope. "Yeah, that's right. Will you help me?"

Setting the plate of cooked bacon aside, I met Shoyo's gaze, fully committed to supporting his dream. "Of course, Shoyo. I'll be glad to help."

Pure joy radiated from Shoyo as he embraced me tightly, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you, Aniki!" he exclaimed with heartfelt enthusiasm.

I chuckled affectionately, running my fingers through his tousled hair. "You're welcome, Shoyo. It's no problem at all," I reassured him, reciprocating the warm embrace.

I don't see any problems in helping him. As long as I don't


Me and Shoyo are now in front of one of the two volleyball gymnasiums within the school.

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