26- Nekoma Vs Karasuno [1]

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Sora unleashed another powerful jump serve, the tension thick in the air. Yaku narrowed his focus, tracking the ball's trajectory with unwavering concentration. However, as the ball soared, Yaku's eyes widened in disbelief.

The ball seemed destined to sail outside the court, and for a fleeting moment, he halted his pursuit. To his astonishment, the ball gracefully landed on the line.


07-00 in favor of Karasuno. Another ace by Sora, leaving Nekoma trailing and frustrated.

Yamamoto couldn't help but express his frustration, muttering, "Tch! That damn serve is hard!"

Yaku, despite the challenges, maintained his composure. He observed Sora, who was gearing up for another serve. Over the past 10 minutes, Yaku had tirelessly attempted to receive Sora's serves, grappling with the overwhelming speed, precision, and power.

As the struggle continued, Yaku sensed a gradual adjustment within himself. Rather than succumbing to frustration, he perceived Sora's serve as a formidable test. Determined to overcome the challenge, Yaku braced himself to face Sora's serve once again, viewing it not as an obstacle but as an opportunity for growth.


Sora sent another thunderous jump serve.

Yaku's reflexes kicked into overdrive as he tracked the ball's trajectory, determination etched into every sinew of his being. This time, his effort bore fruit as he managed to receive the serve, albeit a bit high, causing the ball to land on Karasuno's side.

"Sorry!" Yaku's exclamation filled the air, echoed by Sora's concerned call to Kageyama.

With lightning reflexes, Kageyama swiftly adjusted to set the ball, his movements precise and calculated.

Across the court, Hinata sprang into action, his feet a blur as he dashed towards the net.

In a seamless display of teamwork, Kageyama's set found its mark, and Hinata soared into the air


His spike thundering against the court.

The Nekoma players, caught off guard by the lightning-fast attack, were left rooted to the ground, unable to react in time.

A collective gasp reverberated through the gymnasium as the spectators bore witness to the stunning display of skill.


The scoreboard flickered to life, displaying Karasuno's commanding lead: 08-00.

Yasufumi Nekomata, the coach of Nekoma, recognized the need to regroup and called for a well-timed timeout.


"Okay, I know we're trailing behind so far, but let's be calm," Nekomata asserted, his voice a steadying presence amid the heated match. Turning his gaze towards Karasuno's side, Nekomata's eyes focused on Sora, acknowledging, "Sora's serves are nothing short of exceptional. The power and speed he generates, especially for a high schooler, are truly impressive. We must find a way to handle them."

His attention then shifted to Shoyo and Kageyama. "Their quick attack is quite dangerous. Shoyo and Kageyama's coordination is remarkable, catching us off guard. We need to be vigilant."

Nekomata's gaze finally settled on Kenma, who felt the weight of the coach's expectations.

Sensing the unspoken inquiry in Nekomata's look, Kenma responded, "It's only been 10 minutes, and I haven't had sufficient time to analyze their strategy properly, primarily due to Sora's dominating service."

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