OMAKE: Failed Robbery

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Author's Note: This took place during Middle School


"Stay safe, you two!" Keishin exclaimed cheerfully.

"Hai!" Sora and Shoyo chorused in response as they exited Keishin's convenience store. 

Their practice session with the Karasuno Neighborhood Association had just concluded, prompting them to pick up a few items from his store.

While strolling, Shoyo abruptly inquired, "Aniki, how were my receives? Have I improved?"

Sora grinned reassuringly and nodded. "Yeah. You're no longer using your face as a makeshift volleyball net."

Shoyo pouted and blushed with embarrassment, muttering a sheepish "Hehehehe," as he scratched the back of his head.

They turned a corner and entered a dimly lit hallway, a shortcut they often took despite its eerie atmosphere.

Sora chuckled, recalling how Shoyo clung to him like a koala the first time they traversed the spooky hallway.

As they proceeded, they noticed a figure ahead—a man clad in a black hoodie, his hands concealed in the pockets.

The twins and the man continued walking down the dimly lit hallway, the air heavy with an uneasy tension. Shoyo and Sora exchanged a glance, sensing something was amiss, but they kept moving forward cautiously.

Suddenly, without warning, the man in the black hoodie stopped in his tracks. In one swift motion, he withdrew a gleaming kitchen knife from the depths of his pockets, the blade glinting ominously in the faint light.

Fear gripped the twins' hearts as they froze in their steps, their eyes widening in horror at the sight of the menacing weapon pointed directly at them. Time seemed to stand still as the gravity of the situation sank in.

The robber's voice was low and menacing as he demanded, "Your money. Now."

Sora's protective instincts kicked in immediately. 

"Shoyo, step back," he whispered urgently, his voice firm with determination.

Shoyo complied, his hands trembling with fear as he took a cautious step backward, his eyes never leaving the glinting knife.

With measured movements, Sora cautiously retrieved his wallet and extracted some money, holding it out to the robber with a steady hand.

The robber's eyes narrowed greedily as he snatched the money from Sora's grasp.

"More," he demanded, his gaze shifting to Shoyo, who shivered involuntarily under his intense scrutiny.

The knife now pointed at Shoyo, the robber's intentions were clear.

But Sora, driven by brotherly instincts and a fierce protectiveness, lunged forward, grabbing the robber's wrist in a vice-like grip.


With a startled cry, the robber struggled against Sora's hold, but the older twin's determination prevailed.

In a swift, decisive move, Sora squeezed the robber's wrist with such force that the knife slipped from his grasp, clattering to the ground.

In the ensuing scuffle, Sora's swift reflexes prevailed.


With a sharp slap, he incapacitated the robber, whose head collided with the wall, leaving a gaping hole in its wake.

Without hesitation, Sora grabbed Shoyo's hand, his grip firm and reassuring, and together they fled from the scene, adrenaline coursing through their veins as they escaped the danger that lurked in the shadows of the dimly lit hallway.

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