8.5- Bonding With Shoyo

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Sora's POV

Lying on my bed, I stared at the ceiling, lost in thought, as I contemplated my next move.

The Inter-high Junior Tennis Tournament loomed just two days away, and my body and mind desperately needed a break. Thankfully, my coach had recognized this and granted me a well-deserved day off from the gruelling practice sessions.

I decided to roll onto my side. I propped my head up with my hand and sighed in relief. It was a rare chance to rest and recharge before the tournament demanded my all.

With the day ahead stretching out before me, I couldn't help but let my mind wander about how to make the most of this precious time. And then it hit me – why not spend it with Shoyo?

As I lay there, I thought about how to make our day special. The money I had earned from my past tennis tournaments could be put to good use.

It was time to enjoy the fruits of my labour – maybe treat ourselves to a nice meal, explore some stores, or whatever else came to mind. The possibilities were exciting.

"That could work," I muttered, a sense of anticipation coursing through me. With newfound energy, I pushed myself up from the bed, determined to turn this day off into a memorable experience.

Leaving my bedroom, I ventured into the living space of our place, my steps purposeful. The thought of spending quality time with Shoyo made me smile.

As I stepped into the living room, a familiar scene greeted me. Shoyo was engrossed in watching a volleyball match on the television, and his attention was riveted to the screen. He seemed so absorbed in the game that he didn't notice my arrival.

A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of my lips as an idea formed in my mind. I decided to seize this golden opportunity and have a little fun – I would give Shoyo a playful scare.

Moving stealthily, I began to sneak up on him, my steps soft and deliberate.

With each silent step, my excitement grew. I could already imagine the surprised expression that would cross Shoyo's face when he finally realized I was there. The element of surprise was on my side, and I was determined to make the most of it.

Carefully, I closed the distance between us, my heart racing with anticipation. Shoyo remained focused on the match, utterly oblivious to my presence. This was the perfect moment to strike.

Just as I was a hair's breadth away, ready to execute my plan, my foot brushed against a small object on the floor. The unexpected contact caused a soft noise.

Shoyo's head whipped around, his eyes widening in surprise as he finally registered my presence. Caught in the act, I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his startled reaction.

"Aniki, you scared the heck out of me!" Shoyo exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and amusement colouring his tone.

Chuckling, I raised my hands in mock surrender. "My bad, Shoyo! I couldn't resist giving you a little scare."

His lips curled into a playful grin, his surprise quickly melting into amusement. "Well, you succeeded in that," he admitted, his eyes still holding a glint of laughter.

"Yeah, I did," I chuckled in response, my amusement evident. Gathering my composure, I continued, "Anyways, wanna hang out?"

A warm smile replaced Shoyo's surprise as he considered my offer. "Sure! I want to buy some new shoes." His enthusiasm matched mine, and I could already sense the excitement building.

I nodded, my grin widening. "Great! Let's grab some lunch first. I heard a new burger joint is supposed to be really good," I suggested, eager to kick off our bonding time with some delicious food.

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