Summer Boil (18+)

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[Episode 1.]

A group of teenagers laughed while they sat around the campfire unbeknownst to them they were being watched....As it neared Midnight the group soon turned into their tents One. By One....

Leaving Soka all alone in the dark cold forest by the fire but he didn't mind it as he scrolled away on his phone before a stick snapped near him and he turned around, his hand hovering over his pocket that had a knife as he glared into the dark abyss of the forest..... He waited... for another sound... something but it was quiet... nothing but the wind whistling past him. He sighed, maybe he was paranoid until suddenly a human figure jumped out of the forest and fell on its knees "O-oh my! Are you okay?" He asked the woman, worried for their wellbeing until they looked up and she had pitch black eyes, like bug eyes and a tail as well as wings that could fit a moth or a mosquito he screamed and backed away "H-hey wait!" She spoke softly and he froze "Who are you and what do you want!" "I'm.... I am Ira, and I want you." She spoke as he tilted his head "what?" "I want you! Well what's inside you." She spoke with an innocent smile "The hell are you!?" "That's rude, but I'm a mosquito and if you haven't noticed it's Summer which means I need your blood to..... you know!" She grumbled


A silence rang out between them before she stretched and moved towards him "So make this easy and we can go on with our lives." "Hey! You stay the hell bac—" he gasped, seeing as she obviously ignored him, as she poked at his bulge "So....I've never been this close to something like this?" She questioned, curiosity in her tone as she traced her prickly hand against his bulge, "W—Wait...." He groaned, his bulge growing as he whimpered... how embarrassing it was to be groaning from this? "What was that?" She asked, shocked by his sounds "I—it was a— a cough..." he lied "Well I wanna hear it again." She spoke a bit of a demand in her voice. As she unzipped his pants and out came a hardened member it almost slapped her in the nose "O-oh!" She gasped as she looked upon this specimen as it throbbed then her eyes set upon the male, his face red and breathing ragged "You alright? You're red?" She asked but as she nudged him he gasped, he was obvious sensitive "Oh....." she replied to his action before smirking as she chuckled watching him throb so much he leaked pre-cum.

He huffed and twitched as he looked at his cock throbbing for attention as he reached to stroke it but his hand was slapped away "No." she spoke, slowly laying on her back and smirking as she opened her legs, exposing her womanhood to him as he gasped "Y-you sure?" He spoke, in an almost whimpering tone "Yes, Now use— whatever you call that thing and do what you do!" She demanded as he lowered to his knees, his shaft pressed against her center as they throbbed against one another "T-thats new~" she smirked as she watched the nervous man gaze at her with pleading eyes as he grinds his tip against her as he huffed, watching him throb against her wet clit "So wet..." He whispered as he took a breath in and slipped his hungry tip inside her aching clit.

It easily slipped in.

The two gasp and huff "God I can't believe I'm doing this." He snarled as he slowly throbbed inside her as she smirked as he slowly thrusted inside.. their eyes on one another's he couldn't help but get shy but she held his cheeks and encouraged him "Don't be scared~ you're doing good so far." He nodded as he slowly sped up, she gently moaned each thrust he did— god she was tight "Mm.." he whimpered as he slightly bucked his hips as she gasped in shock "O-Oh fuck—" she captured his lips with hers "Go faster." She ordered, and he obeyed his groans turned into whimpers as he looked down at the woman beneath him "fuck..." he groaned and suddenly he slammed into her the duo gasp but he continues this pace, groaning and whimpering her moans filled the forest around them as he fucked her a bit harder, losing himself.

"Fuck!" She screamed, her back arched In pleasure as she looked down at him watching him fuck her clit "Just like that~" she moaned and suddenly he growled and groaned his thrusts getting harder and deeper, he bulged through her stomach, the pleasure was too great to hold in as her moans turned into screams for more he snarled his hand on her mouth "S—shh~ the others will— mm~ hear you." He struggled to speak as she whimpered In pleasure.... An hour goes by and they were still fucking— he kept groaning and moaning as the beast under him gasped and moaned he can't take this anymore he huffed and leaned in closer, pounding into her erratically as they groaned and moaned together, his balls slapping her ass as she screamed his name, he loved it "God I'm gonna!" He gasped, his groans softened to whimpers yet his thrusts still hard and rough. "D—don't you dare cum!" She demanded as he whimpered and nodded his eyes closed as he fucked her while she praised and moaned "Such a good boy!" She shouted in pleasure.

"Soka!" She screamed endlessly as he pounded into her, relentlessly as he looked down at her, watching her tits bounce with every thrust he did "God.
You're So damn tight. " He groaned as he thrusted his hips more. His balls slapping her ass with every move he made, their whines and whimpers echoed through the forest as he leaned closer over her getting ready to release but suddenly she kissed him again she felt so good his hips quickened their pace as he released "FUCK!" They both whimpered into the kiss but he couldn't stop himself until he snarled and pushed himself inside her deeply as she gasped and whimpered.His cum rushed inside her, filling her up and most certainly impregnating them as her body trembled but he stayed inside her warm and tight pussy as he whimpered, he couldn't stop cumming eventually his cum began to drip out of her as he pushed deeper in, cumming more as he continued to hump her clit more "God fuck! I can't stop!" He screamed as she whimpered and gasped, unable to produce words or even thoughts "Oh fuck...." He groaned as he looked down at the monster below him, his cock still cumming inside her.... yet he kissed her cheek as he whimpered pulling out of her as her clit combusted with his hot steaming seed she gasped at the sudden release she felt "Mmh!~ I'll be back next summer~" she moaned as he huffed and smirked sitting beside her as he sighed with relief but she flipped to her side, gazing at the male beside her before whispering...

"Round 2?~" (To be continued)

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