Ghostly Fun 18+

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[ep 30]

It was a late sunday night, about near midnight.. As she watched away and giggled on her phone, watching endless videos she'd build overtime in her watch-later playlist... her sisters were gone and she had the entire room to herself and it was going pretty well.... Just her, and her phone in the dark.

It wasn't till she felt slight touches on her back that she tensed and shivered with a grunt.... Annoyed so much to the point she turned over to the wall, her back to the darkness... but now the grazes were on her thighs.. She shivered as the touch seemed cold, as she grumbled and shifted to lay on her back.... But she couldn't help but hear....

Shuffling from her closet... and she was alone. She quickly turned to turn her phone flashlight on and aimed it at the closet, yet.... She saw nothing– she rolled her eyes and grumbled "Gotta stop staying up late." she turned back over to her back and went back to her phone... but her bed shifted and she felt something– like a body was one hers.... She was horrified as she just tried to ignore it, maybe she was just sleep deprived but all that quickly changed when her legs were pulled away from one another as she gasped as this night she only wore her shirt and undergarments, as she looked down from her phone as she struggled her legs but whoever grabbed them seemed to have a good hold on her...they seemed strong too... as she looked from her phone and saw the lump under her blanket...but it wouldn't be long till she felt a cold wind on her clit... she shivered and tensed as she tried to close her legs but soon she whines as she felt a mouth on her... she'd feel tense as she gasped and her eyes immediately shot down and her eyes were meet with white pupils, it was horrifying– she didn't even wanna know what it looked like with the light on them
"Mmm...ahn.. fuck...~" she'd moan as she tried to keep her eyes on her phone but their cold, long tongue just reached places... not to mention this was definitely a first time– so she was incredible sensitive.. The figure grabbed her thighs harder and kept her legs open as their tongue slipped and slithered in and out.... Their white eyes looked up at the girl who moaned and squirmed and it only made the figure go faster as they pulled her closer and their tongue entered deeply "MMh!" she moaned out her hands trembled and it was hard to even hold her phone still... she finally puts it on her chest as her head leans back... the figure reached up and grabbed hold of her hand, their fingers intertwining as the figure's tongue continued to swirl inside...she was already whimpering and moaning with ecstasy before the ghost figured to squeeze a finger inside too, but it made her thighs lock on their head as she covered her mouth with her free hand to muffle her moans....

The ghost huffed and the cold air could be felt on her stomach as she trembled and whined out as the ghost only went faster... like they knew exactly how she liked it, the ghostly figure continued to eat her out as she squirmed and moaned, locking their head in her thighs only made the sensation faster, it was dark but the ghost's eyes still glowed in the dark as they fucked her with their tongue.. "Fuck– yes..." she moaned, trembling as her thighs squeezed even harder on the figure's head and she was getting close as her moans just got louder– the room filled with coldness from the ac and the ghostly figure's presence as she huffed fog formed from her nose and lips in small puffs but the figure was doing long huffs of fog as they only went faster, she was whimpering loudly.... Her voice echoed through the room as her body tensed and squirmed...
The figure went up to hold her waist and started to roughly jam their tongue in her clit, making her scream and arch her back as he moaned that she was getting close "I-I'm gonna...." she moaned and the ghost only let out a deep chuckle before continuing their tongue movements– and minutes later she'd finally combust and she screamed in pleasure, her hands digging into her sheets as she threw her head back... the figure's tongue got a mouthful of her sweet nectar before finally pulling away, their tongue falling back into their mouth and then it was their fingers getting a handful.... Looking up at the girl who was breathless, trembling and looking at the ghostly figure, her face red and her eyes low..... The figure smirked before patting her belly with a chuckle.... "Good girl..." the husky voice whispered before a blue fog began to form as they blew into her direction and it slowly wrapped around her neck before forming a chain and pulling her head closer to them...

"I'm definitely gonna be back later~" they huffed before kissing her forehead and they form into that blue fog and she huffs in exhaustion, she can feel her clit pulsing as she pulled her legs together and blushes....


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