Fragile Doll (18+ M/M)

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[Ep 3]

It was a hot summer day in the Mushroom Kingdom, Toads laughed and played and even chatterer amongst themselves. Luigi was fixing a few things for the princess.....

So then.....?

What was a Paragloomba doing here? A humanoid one at that...

His 6'5 figure in the shade, his dark blue hair hid his eyes and amongst his shoulders, he fanned himself with his wings when suddenly

"Hey!" A voice from below called he looked down and saw a little green man in overalls "hey." He replied. He must've realized that he stuck out like a swore thumb so he asked "What's your name?" "Ya'ro." He replied in his husky and deep voice
"Luigi, nice to meet you!" The little green man smiled as they shook hands but he looked down to see

Ya'ro hand.... Blue skin and claw like nails his hand was bigger than his, he could crush him if he wanted "You know, your nails look pretty cool." He raised an eyebrow and gave a grin, the tall man became nervous, no one had ever said that about his nails, they normally run when he does.

Luigi found the tall man's nervousness to be....cute "I don't see many people that have nails as cool as yours." Green man chuckled, Than he began to flirt with the man that was 3x his size and for the most part it worked as he giggled and smiled "You got a thing for tall people or something?" He teasingly asked the green man and he replied "Maybe I do~"

Just than the guy showed his face, his hair covering his eyes when he tilted his head his eyes were revealed...and Luigi was captivated to him his black eyes were so puppy eyes "You sure about that? I wouldn't want to scare a cute little thang like yourself away~" Ya'ro teased and it worked like a charm. The green man blushed as he pinched his cheek

"I'm sure I like what I see~ I've never felt so small around a guy~" he smirked, making Ya'ro smirk "Let me be your first than~" "F—F—First what??" He stuttered "Whatever you want it to be~" Ya'ro chuckled as the man below kept getting more flustered "You like what you see?" He chuckles and the green man seemed caught by his eyes "y—yes..." he mustered up the courage to speak "You have ....pretty eyes." "Aww, You think so little guy?~" "Yeah....they're really pretty." He blushed, "I'm glad, they can be just for you." Ya'ro smirked

When the guy asked for a hug he gladly accepted and hugged the tiny man in his arms. When suddenly he challenged the man "I bet I could pin you down." He looked down at the small man and raised an eyebrow "right.....I could prove you wrong." He growled deeply in his ear, he seemed to like that. As the man carried Luigi away from the public where they would most definitely get spotted by a Toad or a visitor.....

"I wouldn't mind being wrong~" Lui smirked as they sat under a mushroom tree— Lui did as promised using the momentum to pin the bigger guy down "Good boy." He smirked making Lui blush "Hey! I'm not a....good boy...." "I'm.... Uh..." he mumbled for words as Ya'ro placed Lui on his lap "H-Hey! Why am I on your lap?" His cheeks red and eyes big, he didn't know what he had in mind "Relax, I won't do anything unless you want me to." He chuckled before tilting his head to tease the man "Unless, you want me to?"

Lui's face flushed with red he felt butterflies in his stomach, he got more nervous by the second, it felt comfy for him to be on the guys lap "Oh...."

"Why? Did you expect me to push myself onto you?" He chuckled as Lui gulped just by hearing his voice and how deep and masculine it was "U-Uh....M-Maybe~" he couldn't think with such a voice in his ear. "You're not as innocent as I thought~" he smirked

"I mean, I can..just say the world." He winked making Lui blush even more, he was a mess shivering in the guy's lap "B-But... w-what if I want you to?" He gulped again, having a hard time to form his words...

Ya'ro gently grabbed his waist and moved his against him, watching Luigi's reaction: he moaned and blushed as he looked at the guy who smirked as he grinds against them, he licked Lui's neck making him moan again... he was quite the loud one he wanted more as they continued till he fell asleep, Luigi was happy to awake next to the guy again in fact, whenever he woke up Lui followed.

After lunch they napped again before waking up and he took Lui in his arms again, he liked the ride he got from Ya'ro but suddenly Lui felt bold and bit his ear causing the guy to groan....which he liked... so he continued.

Now, they were on the counter and Ya'ro had his hands over Lui's head as he moved against him "Nnh.." he growled which drove Luigi crazy at how close they were gonna be, he wanted to be close to the guy by any means necessary.. as the pace started out slow only soft moans were made, he tried his best to be gentle with Luigi but he felt so good, and his sounds made it better.... He began to pick up his pace as his nails dug into the table and Lui began to moan as he looked up the guy who groaned and whimpered "So....cute." He huffed as he moved a hand to his hip, moving faster as the two gasped and moaned he accidentally got rough and huffed "O—oh! I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked his voice filled with concern and pleasure but Lui loved it....

It only made it better, he was in too much pleasure to speak and Ya'ro decided to move faster as he groaned and moans his hands tighten on Luigi's hips and he loved it, he got loud and whimpered. He threw his head back as his long tongue fell out In pleasure as he moved faster, they were getting close as he smirked "S—so small." He groaned as he snarled at the pleasure, finally giving in as his thrusts grew erratic and rough he licked Lui's neck as he fuxked him... —Next Round

He was pounded into the counter rough as the guy growled and groaned in his ear, only moans and claps were heard, Lui was handling the big guy really well....he loved it "you did so good~" Ya'ro praised him as he licked up his back, sending shivers down lui's spine as he kept thrusting and groaning and even occasionally whimpering, Luigi loved his sounds of pleasure in his ear as he himself got close, making him whimper and moan loudly at how rough he was....

When Ya'ro slammed into him the two gasped and moaned uncontrollable before he kissed Lui, shoving his tongue down his throat as they both came. Luigi came all over the counter his dick twitching as it pumped out cum...the two moaned in one anothers mouth as Ya'ro came inside filling up the little guy below him "Oh baby...." He groaned as he started to thrust again, his tongue down Lui's throat and— you can guess how that went

They once again came again as he groaned and snarled, pulling his tongue away from his throat from the pleasure of release... they were gettin messy, Lui came even more on the counter and his ass was red from the rough pounding as he huffed and groaned.....Ya'ro was still throbbing inside as he whimpered and groaned "fuck, you're tight...." He shivered as he held Lui against him, filling him up even the cum began to drip out of him as he groaned and huffed slowly pulling out...

Luigi's ass bursted with cum and so did he as Ya'ro smirked and huffed at the sight of Luigi's gaping hole.... He carried Lui to bed and huffed as they were both exhausted "Look what you did~" he teased but Luigi could only muster a moan to show he liked it "aww..." Ya'ro giggled as he pulled him close, cuddling him which made Lui happy.

He honestly loved being close to the guy.

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