Taste of The Cake 18+

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[Ep 18]

This story was requested/an idea from a friend, enjoy..

"Roque!" He called out but she kept walking towards the door before he stood in front of the door...

Closing and locking....

"Moth, We need to talk." He'd hiss "About what? There's nothing to talk about." She glares at him "Oh, Moth don't be coy... you know I didn't mean it..." he smiled softly as he attempted to wrap his arms around her waist but she slapped his hands away.. "Don't touch me. And only people who really know me call me Moth and its not you." She scoffed and walked around him to which he grabbed her arm..

"Moth, talk to me... You know I don't like this quiet game— YOU KNOW IM OBSESSED WITH YOU! So why are you toying with me like this?!" He questioned in a pleading tone... he wanted to know why she was so cruel these pass few weeks... "You don't seem to want me bad enough..."

"Roque... wha—what do you mean!? The gifts! The money, the places and clothes! I love you, Moth! And—" he paused... his scared face suddenly changed to a smirk as he stared at the girl whose arms were over her chest...

"This isn't about the gifts is it?" He snickered as he began walking to her to which she backed away "its not about the money, the fancy things...you don't give a shit about those things but your face lights up at the cute gifts I give you.. my words of affirmation..." he murmured but she only rolled her eyes and turned her back to him, still giving him the silent treatment but he only smiled

"My little brat~ is this because I wouldn't cuddle you...? Or— maybe you feel a bit... heated~..." he snarled as he now stood right behind her.. his shadow towering hers...

He had covered the windows so no one could peek as he began to kiss along her neck— watching as she tensed "g-get off me." She hissed "you know you want this." He protested to which she glared at him and bites him on the nose— "I said quit, Nigel!" She shouts and he glares at her before sighing and running his hands through his hair... "Okay....Okay...fine, I can play this game too...I know what you like, I know what you want...and...what you need." He'd whisper before grabbing her by the waist as she gasped her back now against his chest, she looked up at him as he looked down at her with a smirk "You know I love you baby....I love seeing you happy....even if our...relationship isn't exactly legal..." he murmured and she giggled as he kissed her neck "just two more years, baby. And we can be as open as we want~ but I do want to hear you actually moan..." she blushed at his request...

"Don't worry, I know how you are about intercourse... not till marriage... but you don't mind foreplay~" he chuckles before he caresses her tits as she huffs and tenses but before she could whine he kissed her.. muffled whines went between their lips...
The couple would make out... their tongues curled and swirling around on each other's tongues and his hand caressing her body as he smirked— he was hard as fuck just at the thought of touching her.. she never let him even see her that low... but she was allowing him to touch her now— he wondered if he could eat her out— to taste his doll's sweet nectar... if he could he would.... He continued to kiss her neck as she tensed and blushed red... "Should I start?" He questioned and she glanced at the hand resting on her pants belt... with a shy mumble she looked away as her voice summoned the words...

"Yes..." "good girl... tell me you love me~" "I love you..." she muttered shyly to which he giggled, nibbling on her neck as his hand lowered to be inside her pants.... He had her against the wall before kissing her and now going within the temple... rubbing against the fabric that was soaked "aww baby~ you could've told me if you were all hot~" he teased and she looked away more, shy and embarrassed... "aww don't be embarrassed...let daddy take care of you..." he smirked yet she was tense but so horny.... Her parents definitely wouldn't be happy to find out her relationship with a young adult male teacher... but who could blame her its not everyday a crazy rich guy is obsessed— she had to take the chance..
He began to rub— he went slow as rubbing a scared creature as she gently shivered and huffed he kissed her shoulder while rubbing her clit and nipples that were hard as rock...yet, she let out small moans... as she arched "Aww I know~ your itching for more~ want daddy to go faster?~" "yes!" She whines as she felt her clit actively throb and beg for his fingers as she leaned on the desk for support... another kiss happened and it was to keep her quiet as suddenly his cold fingers slipped inside her— she gasped and moaned "Tight fit, love~" he smirked and watched as the brat trembled yet he squeezed and twisted her nipples, making her moan more— and soon his fingers moved more— one became two and he forced three inside as she was now desperately whimpering and moaning as he moved his hand to her throat..

"Aww I love how whiny you are~ such a dom act yet, you whine and whimper like a submissive girl... my submissive girl..." he smirked and whispered into her ear as she desperately whimpered as his fingers moved faster. Her nails dug into the desk "too f—fast..." she whines and he kissed her again "I know you like it rough but your so cute... makes me want to break you~" he smirked before pulling her up further to him and kissing him— them french-kissing "Should I make you cum..?" He teased to which she struggled to answer but shook her head "oh my! You're full of surprises~ edging now it is~" he snickered as he watched his fingers go in and out her sweet clit.. as it dripped onto his fingers and she was— quite the vocal one as he had to cover her mouth as she arched and her brown eyes looked at him as he smirked to which he bit her neck and she tensed and moaned against his hand "Aww you wanna cum so bad~" he teased—

While going so fast she began to scream in pleasure, good thing it was summer— no one was in school but her legs trembled as she whimpered his name desperately, calling him 'Daddy' and all the names he liked— he kissed her again and just as she was about to cum he pulled his fingers away, she gasped and whimpered as her clit pulsated faster than ever...a long drip of a clear substance slowly falling out... her body was ready for it...for him but he knew better and so he stood behind her as she huffed against his desk— a sight he loved to see— his cock was bulging out and he looked down and saw it threatening to pop his pants open

To which he looked up at his beautiful to be wife in front of him— her clit dripping, her breath heavier.. god he needed a taste as he fingered her even harder— making her be very vocal till she eventually did climax as it squirted and dripped on his fingers... he clicks his tongue and gave her a kiss on the neck before slowly grinding against her as she moaned to which he snarled "Daddy didn't say you could cum, hm?" "Y—yes..." "you know daddy has to punish you~" he smirked and she gasped as he began thrusting his boner against her clit her fluids now a string between his clothed boner and her exposed clit as even reached there and began fingering herself as he dry humped her "God please... more..." she pleased and he smirked, giving her clit to rub against his knee as she rubbed against it "Oh baby~ you really are in heat... poor thing~" he teased before grabbing her throat and pulling her up and fingering her harder, having her lift one leg up as he did

"God if I could I'd fuck your little clit~ its so cute... and wet all for me..." he whispered before turning her around and laying her on the desk as he began to undo her shirt, grinding against her "Mmh..." she huffed "God I can't wait to put a ring on you... and claim your body as mine....I want everything on you mine..." he smirked as he grinds faster, making the desk move from how rough he was she blushed and whimpered as he smirked "Oh baby~ its just the boner~ now let daddy drink you~" he whispered before she could react

"Wait—Nigel I—" was the last word she could muster before a loud scream of pleasure came from her lips as he stood her against the desk and he was on the chair below her, licking her clit and fingering her... her sweetness was indeed sweet and juicy and it made Nigel more hard than ever as she whimpered and moans it only made it harder... "fuck your so delicious..."
(An Hour later....)

"Damn...." He smirked as she was now in his house, she was sleeping and he held her as he smiled and kisses her cheek "If you told me you were that fun I would've done it sooner, doll..." he spoke yet, she was passed out— they were both tired.. he cuddled with her and the two were fast asleep...

[The End]

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