Extra Friend (M-M-M)

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The President sat around bored but he got a knock at the door and when he answered it he raised an eyebrow... it was Tom Nook and Jock...

"I hope you don't mind but Jock really wanted to see how... good you are~" Nook smirked and he laughed "of course not, I don't mind an extra hole around~" they smirked as they looked at Jock who blushed at the realization of what he just walked into...

(One Afternoon later...)

"MMH! URGH~ AH~" Jock moaned as Nook pushed his head down on the president's Length.. who was groaning and holding his head, thrusting his hips slowly.. "Fuck- he's good for a newbie~"

"I know~ such a team player~" Nook smirked as he continued pushing his friends head down on the president's length.. his tongue dragged against the shaft as a string of salvia covered his cock and dripped on the floor "Umfp!" He groaned and Nook took the President's groan as a need to push Jock down faster and quicker "Aww come on you can take it~ its only 12 inches~" Nook smirked as Jock's eyes were wide and looked up at the president who smirked "Good boy~" "aww he's so into it~ look at him getting hard~" Nook teased as he noticed Jock's boner... as he even began moving on his own, deep throating the president who gasps and groans "FUCK! He's taking it to the base~"

"Aw don't be selfish save some for me!" Nook whined and glares at his usual straight-presenting friend be such a whore for the president, nook pulled his hair back to finally  get his turn at holding the shaft, Nook took it all the way deep, sucking him so good he was close but Jock and Nook began to fight over it till they both licked and stroked the shaft as it throbs and tensed before the two would open their mouths for his cum but they couldn't predict the president grabbing their head and thrusting into their throats as they gasped and moaned before the man thrusted into his hand and climaxed, his cum getting on their exposed slutty tongues that begged for his personal goodness... "Ah— mm.." Jock swallowed and Nook followed with a smirk "told you it was fun but we're not done yet~" Nook winked and Jock was shocked—

Jock watched in amazement and desperation for his turn as Nook watched him ride the President who moaned and groaned in ecstasy..... Nook rode that man as well as kissing him while praising him, his ass clapped on his cock and Jock looks down noticing his own thrusting cock as he waited patiently, watching as Nook rode them before the president sat up and thrusted up.. Nook would be slammed down into the pillow while the president thrusted deep into his ass, Jock watching as his cock left a bulge in Nook's stomach and just when he was about to cum he pulled out and stroked himself with Jock rushing to catch it with his mouth as soon his mouth was fucked— that's how he ended up under the duo as Nook's anus engulfed his cock with the cum dripping onto Jock's face as he was so hard he was cumming just from the sight and the occasional thrusting of his throat...
And Hour later—

Nook and Jock were placed on top of one another, Nook looking down at Jock who seemed nervous as he felt the tip go in his anus as he groaned... the man was rough as he fucked Jock and groaned as Nook watched as his friend whimpered and moaned like a whore till it was his turn to be fucked and he'd have the same whorish reaction.. this would go on for 10 minutes each and then switch holes... the President was getting close as known by his sudden animalistic thrusting as he slammed into the both, gripping on Nook's hair as he moaned out and came inside of nook... filling up his stomach but he did the same to Jock till the two were both full and stuffed both of their anus' dripping with cum but they had a few more pumps into them till The President huffed and finally fell in the middle of the two full, stuffed men who snickered yet Jock trembled and looked at Nook "I...could get used to this~" "Welcome to my world~" Nook smirked as the two men would proceed to cuddle against the president as they all laughed

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