Empresses Release 18+

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[Ep 11]

"Bring out the Prisoner!" A empress shouts and a humanoid dragon is brought out, their black tail swift around and glare at her "Lower." She demands and the guards kick the man down to make him Kneel "State your name." She demanded "Koa..." he replied with a snarl and she smirked looking down at the bulge against his robe "And are you.... Single?" "Yeah?" He replied and she smirked with an eyebrow raise the guards leave the two alone and she stood up..

Her red hair flipped through the wind as she smirked "How would you like to please an emperor?~" "I guess... I don't know.." "It'll win you your freedom~" she chuckled and lifts her body suit and pushed it aside to show her clit... it was soaking wet his eyes widened as he blushed "Oh....my lady... are you sure?" "Yes, And do it good~ Or I shall have you milked." She scoffed "Piece of shit." He snarled and she gasped "what did you say!" The room went silent as they stared at each other with threatening glares..
"AH! FUCK, YOU'RE GOOD AT THIS MMH!" She moaned as he shoved his tongue down her puss "Mmh." He groaned as he ate her out... tasting her sweet nectar as she twitched and jolted "MORE!" She gasped and pleaded and he continued to eat and lick at her clit.. her juices on his tongue as he smirked before sitting up and pushing against her, fingering her "Mmh!" She moaned and suddenly he slipped inside her— picking her up and fucking her mid air as she gasped and moaned his name- the knights outside the room were rock hard hearing this intercourse...

"Fuck, your tight!" He groaned and thrusted deep inside— hitting her sweet spot as she screamed and squirts but he kept thrusting his balls slapping her ass...

He fucked her ass, her tits, her mouth, forced himself down her throat... pushed himself deep within her clit, making him bulge through her stomach as he fucked her... his hand rested on her stomach to feel his cock push through her before—

"Ah!" The duo groan before he pulled out and huffs "Good boy...." She groaned and he smirked "Always, M'lady."

[The End]

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