Disobedient Frau

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[CNC Kink warning! This contains things that could potentially be problematic and triggering..]

She was found in a container and was dumped out in front of Mafia Wally and that wasn't even the worst of her problems...

Its only been a few months and he's been spoiling her yet he forbids her from leaving, giving her luscious gifts and normal rich Mafia guys... and soon.. he began saying he had a "gift" for her...

Now before this he had been looking at her in a...sexual manner but she made it VERY clear that she wasn't interested like that in him or in anyone whenever she could she'd shout "I WANT TO GO HOME!" Which turns into an argument and sometimes but resolve in her getting locked in a bathroom, slapped or cornered.... He always said how he never wants to hit such a beautiful being yet she made him do it... he was trying to break her... like one would break a wild horse...

Tonight was different, he cooked dinner, took her out, dressed her in the nicest dress and gave her the most beautiful necklace but she knew better.. he wanted something... and it was something she wouldn't like so she made her stance clear "I don't like you."

Yet Wally kept his smile even though his furrowed eyebrows showed his true frustration "Why do you continue to defy me...?" He asked, clearly planning on getting aggressive yet she stood her ground "I told you from the start you cannot buy my love you sick man, I WANT TO GO HOME!" "THIS IS YOUR HOME!" He shouts, causing her to jump back in shock, looking up at him as he laughed and ran his hand through his hair "my adorable little owl, always testing me... but your defiance is making you so much more entertaining now... you, Star. Are my wife and you shall forever be that because I love you to death... and I mean that...." His happy tone dropped and it made her stomach sink but she wasn't gonna be threaten into silence so she stands up and scoffs, walking off...this obviously pissed off Wally as this showed his members he couldn't enforce rules on this woman

"Star, stop..." he muttered yet she continued to walk away he followed after her and grabs her arm "Im sick of you." He growled and she gasped before she was picked up and carried over her shoulders as she screamed and kicked, the maids and servants looked on in horror...

"GET OFF ME YOU SICK MAN!" She screams while being thrown onto the bed and he pins her and of course she's hitting him but he grabbed hold of her wrists before glaring down at her "stop fighting me, baby... I just want you.. is that so hard?!" Wally has clearly lost it- who wouldn't..? But he takes it a bit too far as he starts biting her neck, as she whines out, he forces her to kiss him as she eventually stops fighting....

(One Moment Later...)

"W-wally..." she moaned as her legs wrap around his waist and they make out as he's thrusting into her... this is the only moment where she hasn't fought him or wasn't threatened to fake affection, she was screaming in pleasure as he holds her close and growls against her neck "see baby, you don't have to fight me.." he groans as she looks up at him "fuck....you..." she moaned as she gasps and yelps out as Wally held her close and started thrusting deeply within...

The bed is squeaking and no music is playing so there is no mistake of thinking it was the music but now even the workers and members of the mafia could hear.. and he was really giving it to her...

She wraps her arms around his neck as her legs tighten around his waist as he holds her hips, both moaning and groaning as she whines and moans his name desperately "Yeah that's right, scream your husband's name... you aren't going anywhere... you're mine~" he hissed as Star screamed for more, clearly loving this "tell me you love me... SAY IT!" He growled while thrusting harshly as she couldn't help but blurt out "I— fuck- I love you!" "Yeah?" "Yes!" She moans out, as he held her thighs and thrusted more as the bed squeaked and slammed against the wall.. the necklace he'd given her bouncing and wiggling on her tits as he fucks his new force-made wife.. really giving it to her as he was working hard for those three words... and the later positions drove her crazy...

Her riding his face made her scream in pleasure and praise him, him pulling her hair- just really kinky shit.. "fuck I'm close..." he groaned as he held the hand with his ring on it, fucking her harder as he used his free hand to grab her throat and lean her head back.. "You're fucking mine, no one else's!" He snarled in her ear, they've been at it for a good 3 hours, her dress completely off and so were his pants "My fucking wife.." he growled before biting her neck as she screamed his name again... and repeatedly as he was pushing his hips hard as he could, he wanted not only her love but her obedience too and she can't disobey if she can't walk, now could she?

So when the time finally came he kissed her deeply before thrusting deeply, making her moan desperately into his lips as he cums inside her— "Wally..." she moaned as he climaxed more into her, whispering into her ear "Shhh... don't worry I'll be a great father~ of course if it doesn't work the first time I can always go again..." "fuck... you..." she huffs and he kisses her forehead before pulling out "Oh I'd love to go for another round~" Star glares at him yet she can't help but sit up and tackle him... leading them into another round...


She was panting as he kissed her face all over, holding her stomach "My sweet wife... you were so heated... you sure you weren't in heat?" "Mm..." star could only grunt as he chuckles and kisses her lips "Poor thing~" he teased as he snuggled with the woman who was exhausted... his team knew better than to knock on his door so they avoided him for the rest of the day... but she mutters three letters and licks his neck that shocks him "I love you..." "aww I love you too~" he smirked before showering her with kisses but don't worry it'll take a few more times before he actually manages to get her pregnant~

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