Silent Screams 18+

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[Ep 31 - pt 2 of POTC]

After their last time together Roque just couldn't look at Nigel the same, don't get her wrong she still loved him and vice versa but it's just the way he made her scream that made her shocked. As the school year continued they'd have this secret relationship and she liked it.... And he did too... though he was getting more possessive as the school year continued.. And eventually she'd talk to a boy in class and turn around to see him glaring at struck fear into her...she knew he wouldn't hurt her.... But it still was an intimidating glare... and as the school bell rang and students rushed out, she was amongst one of those teens who did but he stopped her with a gentle yet stern "Roque, you wouldn't mind visiting me in my office, would you?" she shook her head and proceeded to follow him into his office and he leaned over his desk and sighed..

"Are you trying to drive me insane?" "what....?" she replied and he glared at her "Don't act like I don't see the way you play with those boys..." "You know they mean nothing to me." she spoke as she approached him and his eyes met hers as he stood tall, towering over her before grabbing her by the waist and kissing her possessively "mmh!" she gasped as he groaned into the kiss, his hands gripped her tightly to him as he huffed.... "Don't ever leave.... I'd be so lost without you..."  his voice trembled as he kissed along her collarbone as she huffs and tensed, gentle moans.... And as she was pinned to the desk he looked down at her and licked up her collarbone and neck with a smirk... "You're all I think about ... .I can't wait to own you with the prettiest ring you've ever seen..." he'd ramble on... as he kissed her all over... but by now you know they made out...  their arms wrapped around each other, their lips tightly connected, they refused to part..
He had his hand in her pants as she covered her mouth while he kissed her neck and cheek "Stay quiet for me, doll..." his fingers slowly grazed her center as she tensed and huffed... but soon he pushed his fingers inside and she gasped and moaned, before he muffled her by kissing her... "shhh.. Only I should hear you moan, baby...." they'd continue this teasing before his phone would ring and he'd groan in annoyance as he paused. She huffed in relief before turning to her and smirking, moving his finger's faster... "Oh I'm not done with stay quiet and you'll get a nice reward~" with that he'd look at the caller ID with his free hand as his fingers pushed in and out of her as she moaned into her hand... the Caller ID was one of his coworkers he scoffed and rolled his eyes before picking it up, looking at her as he did, smirking as she squirms and moans against her hands...

"Mr. Vale speaking." He spoke calmly, in his normal monotone voice and his coworker would chuckle on the other end before they'd talk about the event planned for the teachers... "Oh is that right...?" he muttered, his fingers moving faster inside her as she yelped and the person on the other end was shocked by the sudden puppy-like whine... and questioned it...

"What was that?" "what was what?" "That yelp, it sounded like a puppy." "Just my chair, You know it's a pretty old one..." he covered it up and the person on the other end seemed skeptical but at least the conversation on the other end continued back to its coworker-friendly one before they'd get to the topic of students..... And the other person described their favorites and Nigel smirked.. "Yes, favorites. Everyone has one... I definitely agree." he chuckled into the phone but something the other person said seemed to upset him as his fingers suddenly rammed into her causing a loud moan out but she bites her arm to muffle them and the person on the other end is shocked by the obvious moan.. "Oh! Uh– Niguel... what exactly are you doing...?" "Playing a game, you know the characters sound a little funny." he brushed it off yet again and the person on the other end just sighed before anxiously chuckling "right... well... uh see ya at the event I suppose...."

Niguel didn't even reply back before hanging up and he simply just looked at her with a mischievous smirk "You almost got us caught, baby." he chuckled as his fingers went faster and he muffled her by kissing her, her moans were loud but when she climaxed he pulled away and she huffs heavily...blushing red as he bowed down and licked her clit as she moaned gently and he smirked "Such a beautiful how about we treat you to nice dinner date, hm doll?" he semi-offered because as she protested due to her school bus he just shushes her and smirked

"I'll take you home, meet your family under the guise of a simple friendly teacher~" she paused at his words before blushing, they were bold and she nods and giggles, smiling as she kissed his face all over, nodding


Later they did just that, they had fun on their dates, they weren't always sexual but they were often wholesome and cute and now it was the moment of truth, as he meet the mother but they were only met with an empty house which made him shocked to which she explained and his response was to hug her and kiss her face all over before they ended up cuddling together... and later he'd crawl out the window and sneak out... as he kissed her goodbye before waving "I got a surprise for you later, okay?" he whispered yelled and she smiled and nodded "Okay~"

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