Instructions Unclear (M/M)

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Koa and Link were trying to sneak pass the Yiga Clan's Hideout to find the leader and assassinate him

"Hey, Link where are we going?" Koa asked and Link blinked and tilts his head to which Koa sighed and rolled his eyes "Look dude— I get being silent and all is like your whole thing your all mute and shit but PLEASE give me a hand signal or some eye movement." Link blinked at Koa's rant before smiling and tilting his head left and then his left hand right... "Alright, I go right you left." Koa replied and Link nods and now the two separated.... Koa grumbling as he rolled his eyes "damn guys a weirdo...."

After what felt like forever, dodging the clan members and killing them off but there was one moment where he felt like he was being watched— so he ran away but then—

He bumped into something hard, falling back as he grumbled "damn dude, Link you gotta tell me when you—" his voice paused as he looked up and saw a tall, buff yiga clan member.... He was really hot.... "O-oh good day sir I— was just um passing through!" He rambled to think of an excuse as the tall man glared down at him... but he and Koa knew He was fucked.... Literally?
"AH!" Koa gasped as he was picked up and thrown to the floor, he was getting his ass kicked but as he lightened his fire and went for the shot when the blaze of fire flung out the clan member grabbed his throat, pulling back and lifting his head causing it to be aimed at the roof and then they grabbed his tail— causing him to groan.... The member and Koa stood in awkward silence as they both seemed shocked..... "uh....." he muttered unsure of what to say....

"Ah— Uhn! Mmh~ fuck! Not so HARD!" Loud groans echoed through the hall as the dark hall was dimmed by a red light— what was happening you asked oh nothing much just Koa getting plowed by the tall Yiga member who was just as large as his height... the guy was 12 inches and 6'5.... There was no way Koa was outplaying him but it was fine— he was into this "Fuck! Ahn!~ mmh!" He moaned out before the member thrusted down, he could feel his cock inside him as he moaned out, his own cock began to flop around from the momentum of the thrusts, each plap causing him to get harder as Koa screamed like a bottom for more, even kissing the member as he was absolutely destroyed—

He was lifted up and the Member grabbed his ass that made it sound like a slap "Oh my!" Koa gasped and blushed as his tail curled around the member, not wanting them to stop a single bit...

"Fuck— ahn— so— so big!" Koa moaned as the member thrusted up into him so hard Koa was completely hard, he wasn't always a bottom in fact this was his first time and he loved it, screaming the member's name as they pulled his head back by his horns and kissed him, pounding faster as the two groan and moan.... Before— "MMH! FUCK ME! YES!" Koa screamed as he climaxed, his cum flowing out and spilling on the floor, yet the clan member kept going— he went on for a full 2 hours.... From up, to the ground... to the side, to the wall— but eventually Koa was slammed into causing him to cry out "DADDY!"

The member would climax inside Koa, both of them moaning and whimpering into one anothers lips.... "Fuck yeah.... One more time...." Koa huffed..... (3 hours later)

Koa was cuddling up to the member both of them exhausted, they were now making out and groaning and moaning till one thing led to another but when the member climaxed inside Koa, Link busted in and they gasped.... LINK look disturbed as he looked back at his teammate and his enemy fucking... Koa smirked and waved "Heyyy~ meet my new daddy~ wanna watch me give him head?~" Link blushed red and immediately slammed the door as Koa laughed before going back to kissing his new found lover...

(I think this is my favorite— since im a lil simp for Yiga Blademaster 😫🤭)

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