Train Nights 18+ (WWW/F)

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[Ep 10]

A day full of parties, drinking and dancing at bars and clubs before they soon ended up at a hotel and the girl, Ross was in the bathroom before she yawns... ready to get to bed...

As Ross gasped as she felt a thud happen below the bathroom sink... she saw a orange and red cock come out of her region... it throbbed and dripped in pre-cum

And then— a pair of lips gripped her tip and she gasped and whimpered "Mmh!" She looked down and saw— Soren, a pink skinned, red eyed succubus who smirked and looked up at her as they sucked her "So—Soren please..." Ross groaned as she leaned her head back but Soren only sucked harder and it wasn't long before Ross grabbed her hair and thrusted deep in her throat, pushing her head against the sink as she fucked her face "Fuck! Your throat is so warm!" She shouts yet Soren muffled moans and whimpered as her eyes rolled back, her clit throbbing and leaking with the need of Ross' cock... "Fuck! I need to cum! Im gonna cum!" Ross shouts with ecstasy as she thrusted into Soren's throat, her cock bulging in her throat "Mmh!" Soren moaned but Ross didn't let up instead, only went harder and gasped as her tongue flew out and moaned

"Fuck! H-here it comes, baby! Wont you let me cum?" Ross gasped and moaned before thrusting deep and cumming inside Soren's throat... it dripping down her throat but she pulled back and Soren collapsed and opened her legs— and Ross was at it again, shoving the raging beast deep within her insides as she fucked her deeply

"Ah! R—Ross!" "Ah! Shit! Fuck, your tight!" As hours went by they came and stuffed herself in Soren, her balls tightening as she emptied her cum inside Soren "fuck! God, I can't get enough!" She shouts before thrusting again but roughly making Soren gasp and moan and soon— Ross pulled out and the cum pops out like a shaken pop bottle, getting everywhere and Ross smirks as her shaft proceeds to throb "Fuck.... Look what you did...." She huffed before the bathroom door opened as a gasp was heard as Soren was on the ground her cum filled area exposed and Ross' large member throbbing still....

It was a tall, dark toned bat hybrid who looked at Soren then Ross then lower.... "You guys didn't tell me we were using black magic!" She pouts before lifting her smirk and cutting open her shirt

"Kuro.... Please don't do anything— oh hell." Ross sighed as Kuro smirked and pulled Ross out into the living room sitting on her lap before smirking "You know what I want?" "What's that?" "You, your cock and your kids... so fill me up and fill me GOOD." She growled
(2 hours later)

"AHN!" "MHM!" "FUCK PLEASE!" They moaned as Kuro rode Ross like a horse, her cock bulging through Kuro's stomach as she screamed and moaned with pleasure yet Ross thrusts up with her, her arms wrapped around Kuro's waist as Ross fucked harder, Kuro rode more "Fuck! Yes, breed me!" She screams and as they fuck another lady was fingering herself before joining in "I always hate how you and Soren have fun before me!" She pouts...

After a few rounds with Kuro, Uka was next, both were climaxed to the max and all 3 were left surrounded by Ross as she huffed heavily...
"Told you this human is fun~" Soren smirked before snapping her fingers and another magic cock appeared on Ross's region "Ooh can I get first this time!" Kuro pleaded but Uka pushed back "Nuh-Uh Me first!" "Ladies!" Soren smirked before standing behind Ross and kissing her neck, making the cock throb and drip in pre-cum "We'll all go together~"

"I like that.." "Me too~" "Hold still, baby~" they smirked, standing over Ross and chuckling.

[The end]

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