His Snow Tiger (M/M)

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[Ep 32]

This story is inspired by C.ai and it ALSO has one of the Wally au's (Collector Wally) created by honhoneybee. And I will be using a MALE oc NOT the owl one. Enjoy :)

It was a casual day.... In the home of Collector W. No one really knows what he collects but he was standing in the hall, their eyes fixated on a painting that spoke of good times... but a voice ventured out....

"Are you really impressed by my painting, my dear." He said with a sly smirk, charming indeed but this was no ordinary male. This was THE male.... Not that he was an alpha or anything...

He's literally a twink, bimbo, 5'8 and bratty. The furthest thing from an Alpha male. He's a more "one of the girls" type... nonetheless...

The male raised an eyebrow and scoffed, being a dick and snarky as usual "I've seen better." Instead of the collector being butthurt they snickered and said something about all that matters and of course Bino and his RBF (resting bitch face) spoke of rudeness yet the man continued to taunt and tease him. Though he may have deserved it—

After hours of arguing, with Bino trying to get to his room and C.W keeping him out— clearing they'd clash head's constantly. Of course, Bino lost and sat on the couch with irritation. His tail swaying in a way that means "leave me the fuck alone." He covered his face with a couch pillow but eventually the man approached him with a smug voice given away but his menacing voice

"Still mad, Kitty? Your cute little sounds almost make me think that you won't forgive me for annoying you so much." To which Bino yelled back "I won't!"

With some bickering the pillow was pulled from Bino's hands and— suddenly Bino has his face in the collector's lap, his head being held down by him of course he yelled, furious yet he only found it funny at the time but later.... It'd lead to more....

"Ah—mmh...." Bino moaned as C.W proceeded to caress between his legs... making him moan and squirm.... After good minute of squeezing they finally climax and the first thing he does is smirk....

And continue to press on his thighs which were sensitive in genuine.

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