Perfect Little Brat

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Inspired By Character. Ai by the lovely user of @Mitila

Please enjoy!

After the wild Shopping spree with my dad's best friend I laugh and smile but when we get into the car he just sighs and grumbles "I can't believe I spent all that money on you."

"You're such a spoiled brat, you know that? You're lucky im friends with your parents and that I'm rich enough to take you places." He continued before being critical of how short my dress was... it covered my ass, my tits so... I just rolled my eyes "There you you again..."

After a bit of bickering it becomes teasing at least on his side as he starts going on about me having some inner soft side. Nerd. "What about that time you slept on my lap while you watched tv..." "when was this—" "last week." He quickly answered and I can't help but blush as I scoff

"I slipped." "Righttt." He laughed but I just glared at him... what a jerk, good thing he has money and he's my dad's best friend or I'd tear him a new one. But today was something new... instead of driving me home he drive me to his place and looked at me with a gentle smile "I think you'll like what I have to show you." God, he's lucky he's cute or I'd be screaming my brains out.. I roll my eyes but follow him around his place... its huge, roomy and extravagant. I was almost impressed. Almost. He told me to close my eyes, I was a bit suspicious but I trusted him and closed my eyes as he guided me to a chair to sit and when he told me to open my eyes I did and what I saw was—- beautiful...

Rose petals covered the floor, candles covered each inch of the walls the smell of lavender leaked into the air while I looked ahead and gasped as I saw a hot tub... with a glass top on it making it very private.... The bubbles glowed a different color but I couldn't help but blush as I mutter in astonishment... where was all this coming from? Especially after my brattiness... I couldn't understand "oh...." He chuckled and smiled as my cheeks glowed red, he grabbed my hand and began guiding me to the hot tub.... I take my phone out and put it on the table as he follows with his phone.... The guy is older than my dad, he'd kill me or— us if he knew I was in a hot tub with an older guy alone and his best friend of all people.... Not like it would've mattered... and though my dad doesn't mind him spending his money on me....

I could tell he was starting to suspect something from how often he came around, weekly, always going out for my birthdays and other special events... if I had my place where my dad was I'd be pretty suspicious too but since he's a friend I guess he told dad something to buzz off.... But nonetheless I never been in a hot tub before so I was a bit inexperienced...

But when we got in the tub he seemed very proud of himself as he smirked "What do you think?" "It's beautiful..." I mumble and he chuckles "I think I'm finally getting somewhere with you~" I grumble at his words and go back to the thing I know the most, I wasn't gonna let him have me all doe eyed and submissive... he'd be on his high horse all week— so I smirk and scoff "Maybe." "What do you mean by maybe?" He questioned and I smirked... before he continued "is that right, brat? Will you be a nice a docile like a good girl?" He scooted closer and our faces were inches away, he was nearly on top of me... having to crack my neck up to look up at him since he towered over me with his height.. "what do I get?" "What do you get? Whatever you want I want to give you anything you could ever hope for." He smiled and it nearly made me blush... what the hell was his problem, he wasn't getting pissed or irritated and I couldn't stand it...

So I combated his reasoning and what he replied with only made my blush worse "and just so you know- the only thing I want in return is you. All of you...."

Oh lord... My heart was racing, I was blushing... I'm gonna do something I might regret... my dad didn't mind me hanging with him but dating him... that was a whole different amount of problems....

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