Sake of Cellphone 18+

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As she laughed at her phone she gasped as she dropped her phone on her face causing her to flinch and grumble a quick "ow."

Her flinch had caused her phone to jump and fall into the cracks between the wall and the bed "NO!" She shouts with panic before grunting in annoyance as she stood up.... It was midnight, no one was up but her or so she thought.... She got on her knees and began crawling under the bed to retrieve her phone.....

As she was occupied by reaching for her phone she thought she heard her door open... but she looked behind her and saw nothing but the same darkness from before so she shrugged and continued her phone but then she felt something weird... a presence behind her "Hey if you're back there a little help would be nice." She scoffed and rolling her eyes before she kept trying to get her phone... it was so close.. but then she heard a chuckle behind her and a deep growl.....

"Little mouse, stuck under the bed?" Her eyes widened as she immediately recognized the voice and gasped as she felt her hips grabbed and she was suddenly against someone's bulge... it was.... Hard too, pressing against her ass as she yelps out and tensed "H-hey you quit that! I swear to god I'll— MMH" her voice was interrupted by a moan as she suddenly felt her rear being thrusted against.... "W-ait uh!" She moaned as the deep voice chuckled as they held her hips, their hands were gloved and big...

"Aww is my little mouse sensitive?" He huffed as he thrusted harder, making her moan more, her head in her arms as she finally grabbed hold of her phone.. "y-you little shit!" She whined out before she was pulled out and grabbed by the neck and up, her body close to the figure as she whimpered out before her lips were taken, feeling a tongue press against hers and down her throat... this continued for a good minute before he smirked and pulled away, kissing along her neck as he growled "You are mine...."

Its a short story because I have no fucking clue where else to bring this story but nonetheless inspired by C.Ai created by the lovely user @s0ftsoul and im a total simp for this character too but you won't find out 🤭

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