Chapter 6

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Luke's Pov:

"Alright Mr.Brooks take a seat up font and take a book please" ordered Mr.Sweetie

I groaned as i grabbed a book and sat next to Mr.Sweetie. I hated detention, there was really nothing i could do. I remember the first time i got detention was when Beau was still in school, he decided to pull a prank on a hated math teacher and ended up leaving a stink bomb under her chair. It was nothing big but she got all pissed off about it that Jai and I couldn't help but laugh and ended getting blamed for it as well.

I looked around the room and noticed i was the only one there, fun right?

"Am i going to be the only one her or?" i asked as i looked up at Mr.Sweetie

He placed the tests he was grading under a book and took of his glasses

"No actually, there will be one more person joining us today"

I gave him a confused look and was distracted by the door opening. A small blonde girl walked in, she was cute and looked like she could've been in my year. I smiled at her, trying to be polite of course and her eyes widen.


Mr.Sweetie gave her a funny look

"Anything wrong Ms.Williams?" he asked

She quickly nodded

"No sir!"

She took a sit next to me and rested her face in her hand.

"I can't believe i'm going to be stuck in a room for two hours with Luke from the Janoskians!!" she squealed

Great. Two hours with a clingy fan, don't get me wrong i love all my fans and all but once they push my buttons with all the screaming and fangirling i lose it.

"Uh yeah" i said awkwardly

"So like i just know you and I are going to become best of friends!"

I sighed as i shoved my face in my hands and hoped for hell to end.

"By the way, I'm Amanda" she said

I pulled the fakest smile i could have possibly come up with, i didn't want to hurt her feelings even though she was getting on my last nerve.

The next hour felt like years, once Mr.Sweetie let us go I ran out of there as fast as i could.

"Bye Luke! don't forget to call me!" she yelled

Oh yeah, did i forget to mention she wrote her phone number all over my notebook? Talk about obsessive. I was just a few blocks away from my house as I saw Skip and James at the front door.

"What are you assholes doing here?" i asked

Why did i even ask? when aren't these idiots at my house

"We are staying over for dinner" said Skip

"And i'm also going to kick your ass at xbox!" yelled James

I laughed

"Whatever you say mate!"

A few minutes later we all helped mom set up everything for dinner. Jaime and Jai were both watching tv and laughing and the rest were just sitting at the table waiting for our food.

"Jai, Jaime, come over and sit, dinner is ready!" cried mom

Jai and Jaime both sat down, Jaime in between us both. Mom handed us our plates and began eating.

"So um guys we sorta have to um announce something" said Jai

I looked over at Jaime and noticed she was quiet, Crap! i had forgotten they had their little talk today...

"An announcement huh? sounds important" said Beau

"Well don't keep us waiting fool talk!" cried Skip

"Jaime and I" Jai began

Jai began to slowly grab Jaime's hand

"Are dating" finished Jaime

My mom was shocked

"Jaime is part of the family now?! oh goodness that's wonderful!"

Yeah wonderful alright... remember when i said this day couldn't get any worse? well i'm pretty sure it just did.

"Congratulations" i said dryly

Jaime looked hurt, and i felt like crap for making her feel that way, but my emotions just were out of control.

I got up and threw my plate in the sink, and holding on to my stomach pretending it hurt.

"Mom i'm not feeling well, detention hit me hard"

I could feel their eyes burning through my back as i walked away, but i didn't care. My world had just crashed into a million pieces.


Did you guys like it? i would really like some feedback! :)

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