Chapter 13

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Luke's Pov:

My mind was roaming all over the place waiting for Jaime to walk through the door. Where was she? I grabbed my phone from my night stand and sent her a quick text. 'Hey did you loose your way around my house or something? ;)' I asked seconds later my phone buzzed 'Not at all just a bit late, be there in 5 :)' she texted back. I sat up and fixed the room a little bit, Jai walked through the door and with a blank face.

"Something wrong?" i asked

Jai looked at me and nodded.

"Wrong? no, amazing yes!" he cried

I gave him a confused look, so he was shocked?

"Um sorry Jai i forgot to tell you my mind reading powers haven't been working lately" I said all sarcastic waiting for his answer.

Jai rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Here, read this." he said as he tossed me his phone.

I looked at the screen and noticed he was on twitter and had gotten a DM from Ariana Grande?


I laughed at Jai's inner fangirl, sometimes i think he might even be worst than our fandom put together,

"Congratulations Jai, better be buying a ring cause i hear wedding bells ringing"

Jai and I turned around and saw Jaime standing by the door wearing a huge smirk.

"Jaime I uh" Jai began but Jaime stopped him and laughed

"It's alright Jai no need to explain, fangirl all you want" said Jaime

I looked at her and smiled

"How's your head?" she asked

I shrugged as I raised my hand and placed it on the cut. There really wasn't anything left but a small cut.

"Eh it's fine, healed quick if you ask me"

Jai laughed


I rolled my eyes and Jaime giggled walking towards my bed and sitting down looking at both Jai and I.

"Well, are you gonna sit down or what?" she asked

Jai and I looked at each other and sat down by the bed.

"Alright so what's all this about?" asked Jai

I looked at Jaime and waited for her answer.

"Uh okay well um o wanted to talk to both of you um about, how do I put"

Funny so did Jai and I...

"What about us?" asked Jai

"Luke um can i talk to Jai alone for a second, your turn will be after" 

I nodded and walked out the door.

Hopefully Jai got to it while he had the chance.

Jaime's Pov:

As soon as Luke walked out the door I looked straight at Jai. How was I supposed to do this without breaking his heart into pieces? I looked down at him and sighed

Jai noticed I was having trouble letting it out so he held my hand making things even harder.

"Jaime you know you can tell me anything right? i'll understand" said Jai

I nodded

"Jai I don't really see us as a couple anymore..." i began

Jai's eyes went wide and i bit my lip anxiously waiting for his answer. For a moment there i actually thought i saw him smile.

"Um Jai..?"

"Jaime you have no idea how glad i am you said that before me" said Jai

Wait what? is that what they meant by them having to talk to me as well?

"Huh?" was all i managed to let out

"Earlier today, when you came home this morning I noticed that you and i were meant to be nothing but friends, I mean don't take it the wrong way you are gorgeous and all but you and I just don't click the same way you and-"

Why did he stop? ugh Jai what were you gonna say? was it who i think it was? did he know about my feelings for Luke?

"Me and who Jai?" i asked

Jai smiled

"Do i really need to answer that Jaime?"

I felt my cheeks redden, was it seriously that obvious? I mean come on it took my a hell of a while to figure things out myself...

"nope" i smiled

Jai took my hand and pulled me in for a hug and whispered something in my ear.

"Talk to him, you have no idea how long he's been waiting"

Jai got up and walked out the door pulling out his phone and going straight to twitter. I laughed, he was probably still fangirling about the fact that THE Ariana Grande had noticed his presence, i mean i think i was actually jealous.

I guess i was so lost in the thought of what i would tell Luke that i didn't even notice him walk inside the room.

"So, is it my turn now?" he asked

I smiled and nodded patting the empty space beside me signaling him to sit down.

"Alright dork speak, i have fifa to play." he joked

I rolled my eyes

"I swear to god Luke one of these days you're going to wake up and that game of yours is gonna go missing!"

Luke gasped and put his hand in his chest acting all hurt. I chuckled, what an idiot...

"i'm sorry Jaime, never again will i disappoint you my royal hyness"

"Good, now that I have all your attention"

"I always did" luke interrupted

"Whatever, listen Luke I have something very uh personal? tell you"

Luke looked at me all confused, I took a deep breath but the words just didn't want to come out.

"Okay, what is it?" 

I looked at him and half smiled

"Luke I uh, I like you"

"Jaime I like you too?"

No you idiot say it right!

"no you don't understand, I like you more than just a friend" i said

I looked at him trying to catch his reaction but his face was blank. Great I just ruined a perfectly god friendship.

"Luke I understand if you do-"

I was interrupted by Luke's soft lips pressed against mine. Was this really happening? was I really kissing the boy who I knew since he basically was in diapers? 

Luke and I finally pulled away and I got lost in his eyes.

"Jaime I don't just like you, I love you and i've been loving you."


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