Chapter 17

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Jaime's Pov:

The next day i woke up with the bright rays of sun slight shinning right on my face. I looked up and notice i was under Luke's grip and couldn't really move, which after all i couldn't complain except for the fact that i really had to pee.

I tried to slide under Luke so he wouldn't wake up, when i was nearly out the bed i felt a light tug on my hand and a very sleepy Luke staring at me.

"Where are you going babe come back to bed"

I chuckled at the fact that he was barley sleep talking and kissed his cheek.

"Later Luke i have to pee" i answered him

He dug his face back into the pillow and immediately fell back to sleep. I took that time i had afterwards to take a quick shower and do all my feminine things while the boys were still sleeping.

After what seemed to be 15 minutes there was a light tap on the door.

"Which one of you is it?" I asked hoping it wouldn't be Jai

"The one who looks waaaay better than your boyfriend"

I rolled my eyes and laughed at Jai's stupidity

"I'm almost done" i cried

I honestly didn't feel like hurrying up so i took my sweet time finishing up.

I heard Jai grunt "Yeah that's what you always say"

There was a pillow thrown at the door an Luke yelled "Just leave her alone dickhead and use the other bathroom"

I smiled at myself for having such an amazing boyfriend, hoping that today we could spent the whole day to ourselves without any interruptions. I hopped out of the shower and grabbed a clean towel to dry myself and made myself pretty.

I opened the door and found Luke cleaning up the room. He quickly looked at me and smiled

"Well don't you look pretty" he said in between smiles

I laughed "Thanks babe:"

"No need to thank me, of course you already knew that anyways" he said

I rolled my eyes and sat down tying my shoes.

"So where are you taking me today?" I asked

He looked at me and smiled "If i told you then it would ruin the surprise"

I groaned i hated surprises always had and always will

"But Luke you know how i feel towards them" i began

Luke placd his finger on my lip and looked into my eyes

"Just trust me okay? you won't regret this one"

I looked at him and nodded. God why did he have to be so cute?

"Jaime you look cute when you are in deep thought"

I snapped out of it when Luke began to chuckle, I rolled my eyes and smiled

"Don't I always?"

Luke laughed "Conceited much?"

"Duh!" i said getting my sass on

"Babe you put the ass in sass, just not as much as I d" said Luke

"Yeah okay we'll see" i answered

I looked down at my phone and checked my messaged, there was an unknown number and a picture attached to it. I opened the message and saw it was a picture of me and it was edited to look like i was dead. was it some sort of dead threat? How had his fans found out if we had just started dating?

"Jaime are you alright?" I heard Luke ask

I nodded and gave him a weak smile

"Yeah I'm fine" i said getting up and shoving my phone back in my pocket.

That was probably nothing, just some jealous girl that wants to get me worried and paranoid which i hope doesn't get to me.

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