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(Please read A/N)

*3 months later*

I've been hanging out with this Harry kid lately. He is surprisingly, really...stupid. Not in the bad way of course, but he just...makes idiotic decisions, that tend to bring a smile to my face.

"Vanilla, erm. Wait..Apple. Oh, you don't have apple. Um then- wait, who doesn't have apple?" Harry argues towards the lady at the drive-thru, where we are ordering ice-creams.

"I'm sorry sir, but we do not have apple." the lady says, in an irritated tone.

I slap Harry's arm and roll my eyes. "Why did you want ice cream in the first place?" I ask him, and he turns toward me.

"I thought you would want it..." he frowns, and I giggle.

"Um, sir. Will that be all?" the lady asks, causing Harry to face her again.

"Actually. I'm not that hungry. Bye!" Harry shouts, as he speeds off through the drive thru, causing me to clench my seatbelt.

"Harry what the fuck? That was so rude!" I laugh, and he joins me.

"Exactly. It's just what I do." he smiles, cheekily, and I raise an eyebrow at him, but his eyes are too focused on the road to notice.

"You are the weirdest person ever. Why are we even friends?" I ask him, chuckling to myself.

"I'm not exactly sure. But I am irresistible, am I right ladies?" he laughs.

"Hey! I say that! You copy cat. We have a copy cat." I laugh at him.

"Am I right ladies? Am I right ladies? Am I right ladies? Am I r-" Harry repeats, making me cover his mouth.

"You're lucky you're driving." I joke, releasing my hand from his mouth.

Harry opens his mouth to say something, but laughs instead.

I make a stupid face and him and lean my chair back. "Where to sir?" I ask him.

"Wherever you please, m'lady." he plays along.

"Let's go on a adventure." I say, earning a confused expression from him.

"Okay. Where?" he asks.

"It wouldn't be an adventure if we knew where." I smirk.

Hello loves! Sorry I haven't updated, I was super busy! But guess what? It's summer now, so I will be updating more! Expect this story to get wild. Lol. But yeah!

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