Chapter Ten

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I'm not saying it's a good idea to steal someone else's reservation, but it worked out pretty well for us. Jake gave the host a random generic French last name that actually worked. The host walked us through the busy dinning room to a table close to the back of the restaurant. We all sat in the plush red chairs. The dark oak dining tables perfectly balanced the string of lights that hung on all of the exposed brick walls.
"What would you like this evening?" The young waiter asked, very formally.
We gave him our orders. We were paying with Jake and Emma's parents money so we went a little overboard. Emma and I shared a large crab and an ice cream sundae, though I ate most of it. Jake got a large steak and a piece of delicious looking chocolate cake.
"Slow down!" I giggled as Jake swallowed a giant piece of steak.
"But it's so good!" Jake replied through a mouthful of food.
"Your gonna choke and we are not spending Sarah's last two days here in the emergency room! If you choke to death all I will say is I told you so!" Emma joked.
"But you love me!" Jake replied, over dramatically batting his eyelashes.
The waiter came around to check in, when he asked how everyone was doing Jake nearly spit out the entire steak at the waiter.

We were having a marvelous time joking, really getting to know each other. Jake seemed more goofy and Emma became less concerned as the night went on. Everything was going great until...

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