Entry #6 : Welcome back, Ethan!

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"Yeah, wasn't that a rich type of car? Only Ethan and His family would have that here!"

"You aren't wrong, they're the only family that's upper class here.."

Sam and Olivia nodded in agreement before it set into their minds, their friend was back.

"Uh, who's Ethan?-" The two ran off before answer 'Jacob's' question. Leaving it to sigh and run after them.

They made it back to town, where the car was stopped on the side of the road near the local church. In front of it, were two people talking. One of them being the church owner and local pastor.

The other, was a guy in the taller side and possibly older than both Sam and Olivia by the looks of it. He didn't notice them at first but it took a minute or two of them staring like a bunch of children, to get his attention.

He smiled at them and started walking down the stairs to greet them. "Wassup-"



They hugged him tightly and all of them fell to the ground, thank god it was in the grass at least.

"Olivia? Sam?" Olivia felt like crying, it had been years since they even last heard about Ethan. He left for boarding school what felt like ages ago!

"Okay okay, Get off of me!" They immediately backed away in sync, helping him up. "Oh man, I feel like I'm getting old.." he rubbed his back as he stood up straight.

"How've you guys been?" He gave them a light smile. They were both quiet, looking down at the ground. "Not good, eh?"

"A lot.. has happened.." Sam sighed.

Ethan shook his head then caught a glimpse of 'Jacob' out of the corner of his eye. "Who's that?" He grabbed the two by the shoulders and whispered quietly.

They were quiet for a minute but Olivia spoke up. "Uh, That's Jacob! We made Friends with him a year after you left."

Sam smiled softly, Though it wasn't a happy smile. It felt bittersweet saying that. "I get a bad feeling from him, but alright."

"I can hear you." 'Jacob' looked directly at them, showing no sign of emotion. "Ah-ha, Well well! Looks like my replacement has good ears!"


"Oh sorry, I'm Ethan. Son of the Local Priest here! You probably already know my last name since y'know.. Local priest n All."

Ethan continued to ramble, boring "Jacob" to death. "You look bored. Sorry, I was rambling agin. It's habit."

"Ethan." Sam muttered. "Hm?"

"Why are you back in town after so many years?" Silence until Ethan held his chest. "You don't want me back?! How rude!"

"You know what I mean.."

"Yeah, I do. Uh, let's just say. My family needed help with a certain.. demonic figure here."

Sam and Olivia looked at each other. "Demonic Figure?"

"Don't tell anyone I told ya'll this, But, there is apparently this demon here who'll take over the bodies of the dead to manipulate and murder." Ethan seemed careless with his job as an exorcist, as if he didn't care too much about who knew and why.

Sam looked at Olivia and then at 'Jacob'. It's face darkened, it didn't like what Ethan just said and that was very understandable.

"Anyways! How about we all go and hang out somewhere? I can tell you guys all about how shitty boarding school was!!" Ethan trailed off with his words, a big smile on his face. How could anyone turn that down?

"Where would we go?" Olivia spoke softly. "Totally to the forest! Remember how we used to play there all the time as small tiny children?"

Sam felt himself Panic. The forest was the last place he ever wanted to go again. He never knew how to cope except go there but it's like it bought him some sort of tranquility.

He would never tell anyone that, it's weird after all. Like, he gets tranquility going back to the place trauma happened? That's insane..

"Sam? Are you coming?" Olivia grabbed his hand as the others waited ahead for them. "Yeah.. yeah. Sorry."

"Don't apologize, man. I know it's hard for you to go back to the forest, I'm here for you though." He nodded and they held hands as the group walked to the forest.

they all sat by an overgrown cabin covered in police tape. it made them feel unsettled, but at the same time it felt comforting.

Sam felt extremely uncomfortable, He hated being around this "new Jacob" and he hated being in the forests again. He hated all of this, actually.

"Jacob" and Ethan seemed to get along pretty well, Olivia chimed in a little bit as well. Sam felt outcasted. Not because they weren't talking to him, he just didn't feel right here.

"So, guys! Let's play a game of would you rather, yeah?"

"Ehhhh, That seems like a bad idea-"

"Oh c'mon!! We're all responsible adults here!" Everyone went silent for a few seconds, they were not responsible adults. In fact, they were no where near responsible.

"Anyways, Sam! Would you rather uh.. I'm not very good at this actually."

Ethan mumbled to himself, trying to think of something. "Okay fine, Truth or dare-"

"I thought we were playing would you rather?"

"Shut up, I make the rules in this game. Jacob, Truth or dare."


"Screw this, I have nothing to say."

Olivia whispered in Ethan's ear and his eyes lit up. "Is it true that you like someone in this group?"

Olivia groaned. She never said to say that, but it was too late now. "Yeah sure."

Ethan acquired a sly grin on his face. "Who is it-"

Suddenly, Ethan's phone rang. "And it was getting good too." He frowned and proceeded to pick up the phone, he stood up and walked away. Talking to whoever was on the phone but also waving by to The group. (And blowing kisses to Olivia.)

"I.. I'm going home." Sam stood up. He walked away from the remaining group, he felt sick. What did 'Jacob' mean by "Yeah sure?"

It didn't know Ethan, Does it have memories of Olivia? Does it have memories of Sam? He prayed that it didn't, if so.. it was possible it meant Sam one-hundred percent.

The thought of that made it almost puke..

Did 'Jacob' like Sam?..

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