Let us race

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as soon as I pull up people start going wild. Oh my gosh  girl it's bill oh my gosh AHH I'm so happpppy oh holy shit they're really pretty Jj I can see why you like them now. I know they are so pretty but they're still hot they have beautiful face features. Well looks like your fans would love to see you so get out there adelyn.

Ya ya whatever Jj { I step out the car  as people go wild but to be honest all I could think about were the cars how beautiful they were the latest models with the newest engines it made my blood rush when even I step In a car my heart beats so fast I might have a heart attack. Befor I could think more about my thoughts this boy come up to me he was beautiful  he was wearing baggy jeans, and a green shirt, that was obviously three times too big for him. He had black cornrows and a lip ring.
Hey girl I would love to see you in my passenger seat tonight would be fun when I win. I started bursting out, laughing  to that. Wtf are you laughing at bitch do you know who I am?! No I do not but it dose not matter because one you're not going to win tonight and for two I will always have more power than you ever will. No excuse me. As I walked away. Even tho I was still pissed about that boy I still greeted all the people. Till I see the JNC1 (Acura NSX)- 573 HP I was so excited I could not help my self I ran so fast to it Jj noticed and ran behind me trying to see were I'm going OMG OMG OMG JJ LOOK HOW GORGEOUS what are we looking at?

She's looking at my brothers car. Someone said with A deep german accent like mine but deep. I turn my head to see Jj going crazy. Holy shit you're adelyn he said as he looks starstruck. Yes yes I am and you must be bill kauiltz i presume? How do you know? My friend here is fascinated with you. ADELYN SHUT THE FUCK UP! Hey hey no need to get defensive beautiful. Oh u-uh well. Hey maybe I could take you for a ride to night? No. Adelyn wth do you mean no!? You will not become a bumper. Oh no no no miss Luxemburg I did not mean it in that way I don't do bumpers I don't even have one right now I just wanted to take her out with you permission of course.. oh well okay then but as soon as I see the slightest bit of you treating her like a bumper I will have you wiped out in a matter of 30 min but she would gladly go on a date with you. Jj gets up and whisper something in my ear "Ty" love you to Jj. she smiles. I feel like we got off the wrong foot. Let's restart I'm adelyn  Luxemburg. I'm jj Luxemburg oh are you to sisters I did not think of that!

No we are not blood she is the only person I have close to family so when my par- so we changed her last name after she moved in with me when she was 14 so we're not blood but- u can say we are don't mind adelyn she can get a little to informational. Thx Jj for pointing that out anyway I look forward to being Cary good friends with you bill kauiltz. Now if you mind I would love to finish checking this beauty. as I look back at the car in front of me. Oh well great timing bc my brother owns that car and he is right there! No "fucking way"I mumble under my breath.. Jj that's the dosh that was acting like a was some hooker or bumper! Oh are you for real that's him?! I could see that she felt as if I was going to change my mind about bill and her but I'm not like that I know that he was scared of me ik he knows that I know he is powerful but he mows I am 100% more powerful then him and he knows it he new it before asking Jj so ik he knows what cards he is playing he brakes her I brake him. But that douche. No way.

What's his name bill? My name is- no I did not ask you I asked bill. Now bill what is his name u-uh Tom.. okay now Jj bill I'm okay with you two going out but I better not catch you guys with this Tom  
He will not be anywhere near you too or you both are done for me? Yes Ma'am! OMG TY ADELYN I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHH THANK YOU THANK YOU! (I know this seems like I'm a big ass bitch but don't need him screwing stuff up for me. Or for Jj .
WHO TF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE BITCH TALKING TO KY BROTHER LIKE THAT CUNT? TOM NO YOU DONT- ahh bill it's okay she got this Jj smiles. Oh I'm sorry bill do you disagree with what I asked? No ma'am I in fact preferred it. Well then who is ready to race oh and. I walked up real close to Tom and grabbed his neck pulling it down as I whisper in his ear "I'm adelyn. adelyn  Luxemburg. Remember that name sweetheart. I walk away HAY JJ DO YOU WANT TO RIDE WITH BILL TONIGHT FEEL LIKE IT MIGHT BE A GOOD ONE! SURE bill smirks and winks at me as I wink back. Let's get this show on the road. A beautiful Japanese. Girl terribly skinny walks out. Doing her dance before pulling out her handkerchief and dropping it signaling to go. As everybody starts, I stayed back obviously everyone was shocked but I had a plan. He's not here I gave everyone a five second Headstart and I started I sped off passing everone leaving them shocked but to my surprise Tom was catching up, and there was no way I was going to let him get even close.

we both drifted and I sped off passing the finish line winning the race as everone went crazy I mean ballistic Tom came in 2 bill and a handsome GUSTAV 3 place As soon as I stepped out I got swarmed by people, but still I was only in intrigued by the blonde boy I finally I was
Able to escape and get to him. Nice race yes indeed it was. good job on you win adelyn I was very intrigued.  Nice to see you to GUSTAV but With your skill And how you drive you could have won you know. Idk about winning but thank you adelyn.

1162 words told u it would be longer really hope you like it bc I want this one to do good bc I would love to continue this series suggestions open so please message or comment me. I also think it's probably gonna be way too hard to understand he's talking so I will start adding like names of who are talking if you guys want in like the next chapter 2 love y'all sm (birthday day in  3)

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