✪ ¿Figure you out? ✪

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(Adelyn) I am for real if you change out your motor and honestly if you were more comfortable you don't seemed relax when in ur car and that will not get you anywhere I'm guessing it's new. (GUSTAV) Yes adelyn it is I was very fascinated with you in fact you always bring all you got. (Adelyn) I did not recognize that first. Because you were not in  your first ever model the rt but . It was amazing. I'm really sorry about the crash. If you would like I can help work on your car for you.

(Gustav) I would love to adelyn but why me? You are the youngest richest, most powerful woman in Germany and Japan act. Why are you fascinated with me? (Adelyn) You remind me of an old friend and bc you were kind to me when we first met and bc I see something in you you have so much potential! (GUSTAV) Do you mind if u get your number? (Adelyn) Sure give me ur cell. (GUSTAV) Okay here. Thank adelyn I look forward to seeing you again. (Adelyn) so do I! text me. (Tom) Text who gustav? (GUSTAV) Oh hey Tom this is ade- ya ik she's a bitch but I would like to apologize to you Liebe. so can we talk? (Adelyn) fine I'll be back later gustav call me. (Adelyn pov)I kissed gustav on the cheek and walked away with Tom.

(Adelyn) so what ? (Tom) Look miss Luxemburg for give me I should have not treat you like a Bumper. ¿truce? (Adelyn) You're luckyI like  you gang or you would be dead. (Tom) So what you like gustav? Yes he indeed j see us being great friends but I'm already best friends with George so he was never a problem with me and bill seems sick so you're the only dick it seems like. (Tom) Sorry to hear that princess but how did you meet George and what do you mean by best friends? (Adelyn) Me and George meet when I was 14 and I hade just moved here and he was my first ever friend besides Jj so he and I became close very fast I new he was in your gang. And that's how I met gustav I just met bill though.

(Jj)ADELYNNNNNNNNN (adelyn)JJ JJ WERE ARE YOU WHATS WRONG JJ (Adelyn's pov) as soon as I heard Jj scream my name.
I screamed for her but she did not answer because of the I stepped on my car hood  and pulled my gun up in to the air and shot everyone stopped and looked at me that's when u seen Jj she was with bill I ran to her as fast as I could. When I pulled up to her she was laughing I was confused} (adelyn) hey Jj you called me what's wrong! AHHH HAHAHAH  (Jj) bill will not stop tickling me hahah. (Bull) Okay okay all stop I'll stop. (Bill) Hey well adelyn Jj is coming over for dinner tonight would you like to come GUSTAV ands Geo- (adelyn) COUNT ME IN! Oh alright then let's go. (Jj) Okay I will  we best get going to get prepared looks like I'll ride with you home adelyn. Always a pleasure jj.
(Tom pov) as soon as I went to say something someone called out for adelyn it was Jj I never seen the panic on someone's eyes like that before it shot right though my sole she must really love Jj she ran up to the hood of her car and pulled a pistol out and shot everone stoped and looked she was not someone was willing to face she was not afraid to die the only thing she was scared of apparently was something happening to Jj that was her only weakness but other then that she was not scared to die or take a gun to the head maybe that's why people were so scared of her she did not give to fucks what happened to her only Jj and Jj was untouch of what I know everyone was scared of what Adelyn might do if someone hurt her.

(Bills pov) adelyn came running fatter then light to Jj when she called out she was not playing any games it was obviously if Jj dies we all die if she gets hurt we all get hurt I don't think Jj understands how much power she holds because of adelyn. I liked Jj she was gorgeous she had nice long blonde hair with with big green eyes she was slim hourglass figure for sure I fell in love with not only her body but her personality once I got to really meet her and not just of the things people say about her with adelyn she made my heart full I can just see how pure she was so kind and happy nothing like adelyn she was tan but hade a pale tan tone she looked sick with big bags under her eyes she also hade a amazing body she was gorgeous 100% Tom's type not for me tho I loved Jj ever since I seen her a few years back adelyn was tall but not to tall she was vary different her style always changed you could never pin point this girl it was scary almost she dose not smile she smirk, sometimes when JJ is excited and happy but a smile that's not

something you see it's more uncommon the a blue moon she used to be a famous singer back in
Germany before I don't know where she just went dark you really can't understand her it's the scariest thing about her you can never pinpoint her next move or how she feels. I started her her body language everything it's like she doesn't even exist. Her breathing is so quiet you can't hear your heartbeat when I close.  She's like dead like. When I saw her talking with Gustav and I could see in her eyes something I have never seen from her she was mesmerized she seen something in him she seem to look at him almost as if she was in love but at the same time as soon as I mentioned that him and George was coming she seem like she got a huge adrenaline rush what's with this girl?

1064 world sorry I have not posted I hope that I do this story more bc I love this one a lot more then my other one!

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