Is this really the end..?

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Time skip
(Adds pov) we were now back home me and Jj seem to have a lot of tension I feel really bad about how I treated her.
(Adds) Jj can we talk..?(Jj) uh sure what's up (adds) I'm sorry for everything lately everything's is just been out of place work business everything it's really hard, being a mafia boss I'm trying to protect you try to protect myself trying to protect myself from my self. It's really hard but I should have never of taking it out on you. (Jj) it's okay adelyn I promise I'm not mad I was just trying to give you space I did not know that was hurting you ik sorry how about we go to the club and hang out? (Adds) I would love that I'll go get dressed
(Adelyn fit)

 (Jj) it's okay adelyn I promise I'm not mad I was just trying to give you space I did not know that was hurting you ik sorry how about we go to the club and hang out? (Adds) I would love that I'll go get dressed (Adelyn fit)

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Jj hade a pink shirt and a mini skirt a little basic for her, but still pretty

Me and her went to the garage to see my beautiful cars I decided to take my green Super GT500 she was a good one for sure she hade a amazing engine and never let me down in a race we got in as my engine rawer made my heart skip a beat I loved cars...

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Me and her went to the garage to see my beautiful cars I decided to take my green Super GT500 she was a good one for sure she hade a amazing engine and never let me down in a race we got in as my engine rawer made my heart skip a beat I loved cars ever since I was little. We speed off to the club when we got there I seen Tom's car why was he here? Man this was going to be awkward after the kiss but whatever looked like there hole gang was here but I got to see GUSTAV and George so it's okay I walk up to the front and gave the security guard that kind of luck that could kill he let us in asfast as light a small flame in me lit as I walked in smelled like alcohol, sex cigarettes and drugs and cheap perfume I kinda loved the way clubs smelled it was calming in a way but at the same time made my adrenaline rush 100 times faster I walked over to the vip room holding jjs hand she hade a big smile tbh I think she new that bill was here tbh yup she did as soon as we steped in she ran to bill "it worked and she's not mad at me anymore!" She said, I giggled I walked over to GUSTAV "can I sit here" "sure malad" I liked GUSTAV he was funny and cool all at ones I pulled my phone out and started looking at tweets everone was tagging me in tweets like crazy I looked at some apparently everybody knows I'm a mafia boss now, but that's not with surprise me I seen a pic of me and George and then a pick of Tom and me they were calling me a hoe and a boy hopper I was so fucking pissed but it was so funny at the same time I could not help it but to burst out laughing (Tom) adelyn why are u lagging like that (George &gustab) ya why are u? I continue laughing my ass off and handed my phone over to them. George looks surprised and started to laugh as well Bill Gustaf JJ. They were all laughing, but Tom was not he was mad he got on his phone and ig he was tweeting something bc he opened twitter real fast I got tagged it was him it said "Adelyn is no means a slut hoe or any of the above if anything she's the only girl I have ever met who dose not fuck with everyboy she sees and dose not get to close to people so stfu y'all are so annoying me and her never dated I dared her to kiss me she said no but then I made her feel like a chicken and she did it that was it. Y'all mad she is a good singer and mafia boss?"
I looked up at Tom he was alr looking at me with her cold dark brown eyes that light up In The sun and light. (Adelyn) ty Tom I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to get drinks. I drank for a little before going out side to get more cash only to see a man trying to break in to my car?! (YO WTF) the otherz came out and seen me with a gun to the man's head when I seen them my eye left the man to their utterly completely shocked faces the man ran ( Scheiße Scheiße Scheiße!!!!!) he got in a car and drove off 3 cars followed him so did I I got in and went after them I was going so fast I think I should have the world record. The others followed tell one car came from beside me, and started ramming into me I tried to avoid them but I couldn't so I did the next thing I was going to try and tan in to them to get them off me I double clutch and ram right into him we hit the car I front of us and it hit me. my car went flying rolling over and over then it all went black.

Toms pov)
ADELYN ADELYN?! I was screaming her name as her car was upside down she was getting crushed by the car it was collapsing on top of her, and it looks of it about to explode

George was Crying out for her that was as scared as I have ever seen him my whole life, and we've known each other since childhood I finally got adelyn out the car she hade glass all over her body there was some that I specially stuck out some big...

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George was Crying out for her that was as scared as I have ever seen him my whole life, and we've known each other since childhood I finally got adelyn out the car she hade glass all over her body there was some that I specially stuck out some big shards that was in her neck, her leg and her torso the other side of her neck hade lost of bruising

George was Crying out for her that was as scared as I have ever seen him my whole life, and we've known each other since childhood I finally got adelyn out the car she hade glass all over her body there was some that I specially stuck out some big...

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Jj was screaming at the top of her longs as soon as we called the police "HELLO WE NEED HELP SEND HELP WE NEED A AMBULANCE HELP" Jj said scared for adelyn life. George was spiraling. He whispered something to Gustav and Gustav got up he went over to see if the others in the car were Alive he pulled them out and sat them on the ground as they screamed I'n pain he shot them both in the head and walked back to us at this point it has been 10min and still no ambulance came. I checked Adelyn's pulse it was so faint that I could barely recognize it, her heart beat was slow really really slow we hade to get her to the hospital now or she would die (tom) guys help me pick her she needs a hospital now! We all picked her up and put her in my car I drove off. bill holding Jj on the ground as she cried as the others got in there car I drove off to the hospital as fast as the car could go. No fast almost as if it would give out we got to the hospital I picked her up and brought her In Side " I AM TOM KAULITZ AND IF SHE DIES THERE WILL BE NO ONE LEFT STANDING UNDERSTAND? Everyone backed up and doctors took her way to an operating room. This is when I realized bill was right I loved adelyn I loved her as a kid and all the love I hade for her back then never left me I cried that day she went on stage that night was the night she announced she was leaving and ending her singing career I cried right there back then
I loved her and I can't believe that now that she's with me she might be gone forever.. I never got a chance to tell her how I feel how I loved her how I just wanted to hear her voice one last time.. I started to cry not out loud but the guys noticed Jj and George were still crying aswell Jj just hugged me tight I melted in her arms right there.
Was this it is this the end?

What do you think should I continue the series?
1346 words

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