I was suppose to be the one she said ily to

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(Tom's p) Adelyn was asleep but alive I was so happy when I seen her eyes opened she could not talk she tried but nothing came out she was smart when I was looking in to her eyes she did morse code I would have never thought of that she wanted water I bet it was so she could get her throat to be less scratchy so she could talk. I got her the water and later she fell asleep good I was so happy to know she was okay and alive it's been a month she's missed a lot bill and Jj we're now dating but not officially they wanted to get Adelyn's blessing  before anything else happened. George got her a car and GUSTAV redid his car with the help of the list adelyn left him they were all up set but I could see me and George got it the worst. I did not do anything but hurt people I would not even look at another girl I only seen Adelyn in my eyes when I looked at anyone even bill started to remind me of her I could not even get close to Jj bc she was nothing like her but was so much like her it made me cry looking at Jj thinking of adelyn was a part of Jj and it was so rare to see adelyn and Jj not together gosh I wish I could say how much I missed her but words could not even describe how I felt. After the 3 week mark of her in a coma I stoped racing I was now the top mafia boss tell she got back and I was going to make sure that no one could get to adelyn or Jj still protecting my family George bill GUSTAV I just wanted to hear her voice her sweet sweet German voice made my heart stop just thinking about it.

Time skip
(George) I was the only one in the room the others went to the canteen to get food I stayed back someone need to watch over her so I did. She started to wake up I grabbed her hand and put it in mine welcome back baby sis I missed you. Can you talk?
(Adelyn) I.. I missed you more big bro..
(George) holy shit you can talk this is for real happening I missed you so much adds don't ever leave me like that ever again. (Geo pov) adelyn talked for the first time in a month I started to cry her hand to my face that's when tom walked in the door way he looked shocked and happy tell adelyn said this.
(Adelyn) George..
(George) yes adds..?
(Adelyn) I love you I'm sorry..
(George) did adelyn just say she loved me?!? It's been almost 4 years sense she said I love you my heart melted I missed my little sister I missed her so much I would never leave her ever again.
(Tom's pov) I walked in to adelyn up holding George's hand he was crying and she spoke up "I love you" she told him my heart sank did did she just say she loved him..? Him and Jj said it's been years since she said those words.. and the first person she says them to are George... I wanted to cry right there I ran to bill and the others so fast (bill) Tom what's wrong why are you crying?!? (Tom) adelyn adelyn she's up and she told George she loves him.... I started to cry even harder now i don't care if I'm being dramatic or selfish. (Tom) I loved adelyn and I wanted to be the one she says I love you to not him ME! (Bill) everyone looked at tom shocks, including me. I seen it, but I didn't see it. You know it's like it was just not real like there's no way that he could be really saying that. George came running " ADELYNS UP AND TALKING COME FAS-(George) tom.. I did not know you felt they way for her I'm sorry.. but me and adelyn don't have anything going on she's like my little sis I'm her big bro dw she's all yours just don't break her heart..I'm sorry I did not know she was going to say she loved me I really didn't but you should go talk to her she asked about you..so please just go see her! (Tom's pov) I ran right to adelyns room wiping my tears from my face my eyes were blood shot it was hard to see from all the crying my eyes were swollen and sagging I was being selfish I knew adelyn and him hade nothing like that going on it just hurt me to hear her say those words and them not be detected to me but now I can she how selfish I was for being that way. I made up my mind as soon as I talked to adelyn I would tell George I'm sorry he was still like my family and I still cared about him and should have never been so shity to him but he just dose not understand that adelyn she is the only girl that I want to love to look at to say the words I love you to no I did not want to love adelyn she was the only girl I could ever love and deep down I knew that she was the one for me the day when I was 14 at her concert her singing made my heart filled I new It was going to be hard to talk to her but I hade to she hade to know I was there for her that I was by her said and she needed to know how much I no we missed her and explain everything that hade happened that what she would have wanted from the start so that's what I'll do


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