Pain, love, downfall,

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(Tom's) when I got to her room I seen her so peacefully so beautiful she just stopped and looked at me her eyes have not changed all tho they were red have she been crying? (Tom) I missed you miss mafia boss..
(Adelyn) I missed you to mr. mafia boss.. look Tom idk why but when I was in a coma my head was rapidly thinking of u no matter what it was u and that I wish I could see u again Tom I think I might have feelings for you I think the day we meet I started to get them and tryed to push it away and now that we are closer i know the only way to get you out of my head is to tell you how I feel and you don't have to feel the same way but-(Tom's p) before she could say anything else I kissed her it was so passionate like we were the last two on the Earth, taking are last breath and saying goodbye I loved adelyn I loved her I needed her to know that she just needed to know how much I needed her how long I have loved her even when I felt as if I did not after I moved on from how I felt when I was younger I would still think of her she was now my best friend little me would have cried and that's just what I did once we pulled away she wiped my tears and pulled me close and hugged me I could not help but melt into her warm, loving body I never wanted to get up I wanted to stay like this for ever she fell asleep again me in her arms it's funny how someone who just came out of a coma could be so tired I fell asleep to..I loved her I truly did I was so scared to think that I might lose her but now I'm in her arms I've never felt so safe in someone's arms before not even bill.
(Bills pov) I walked in to see Tom and Adelyn holding each other like they were about to die neither person look like they wanted to let go. I could see that Tom hade been crying he was not one to cry a lot so when he did it was important I was happy my brother found the love off his life I just hope he dose not do something wrong to fuck it up and I hope that she loves him for as long as he loves her..pls Tom don't hurt yourself and do something to ruin this..

(George pov) I seen adelyn and Tom laying there it made me want to cry was it that she finally came to her senses and see how dangerous and scary. This really is and how many people she affected....? she looks so peaceful but sad. I New deep down that day at the dinner table the way that she looked at him, completely memorized into his brown dark eyes as if she's never seen something so beautiful before I knew that she loved him. She didn't want to admit it, but I knew she did and soon enough, she will admit it..

(Gustavs pov)
Adelyn and Tom were holding on to each other like they were about to die Tom looked luke he hade been crying I was just happy for Adelyn because she finally came to see that's it's okay to open up and talk about how you feel I tryed telling her that but she was to scared of what might happen if she told people how she felt she was to scared of reality..I hoped and prayed Tom and her would not hurt each other...
(Jjs pov)
My best friend was cuddling with a man ? Adelyn hade changed a lot in good and bad ways I'm a little scared and confused still I just don't want her to break Tom's heart and her own and I don't want him to break hers and his heart too it clear they lived each other but I just wish the time was different and adelyn and him were not in the mafia there to stubborn and to scared to talk or face there feelings and I'm scared that they well just end up hurting themselves in the process of loving each other...

This one was short sorry but idk if I want to keep writing 755words

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