The great awakening 

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(Adelyn's pov) I can hear him crying and telling me he misses me but who who is he why can't I move or see everything is black did I die? Haha that's cute. I don't feel in pain? The last thing I could remember is the car chase I crashed into gout there and then i crashed that's when I realized I was never as good as I thought I was I was not strong I was not a big boss mafia bitch I was nothing and if I'm dead that's what I am now a bitch that could not get the job done. I failed for the first time taking on the responsibility or mafia boss and now?

I did all that to fail is I am alive I will make sure when I get out of my mind I never fail a assignment ever again I fucked around and found out now I have to learn from it and become stronger more powerful I need to be the greatest they have ever seen the most powerful I need to make sure to never fail a mission ever again. but the question still lie am I even alive? Why can't I have control over my body.

It was like that for a long time almost years I for real thought that I was dead like my conscience was eating at me, for some reason I just wanted to stop at this point dying before was thrilling, now that I'm actually dead It's nothing like how I wanted to be and I'm pissed off. I'm fucking pissed I want to control my own body make my own decisions finish the job. I used every muscle in my body to wake up everything I could. And when I heard I love you I didn't know who said it at first but the more I listened in the closer I listened it was Tom even though I was dead I still have this feeling it was eating at me like I wanted to tell him I love him too...

finally I think I got so pissed that I just woke up and when I finally did it was dark I could since people's presents they were all around me, but how many 4 not including me? Where was I I wasn't at home or at the kaulitz house, so where was I my eyes were sore. My hands were numb, like someone have been squeezing them to the point of loss of circulation no someone was holding my hand. I looked around, trying to figure out my surroundings. It was cold other than the human presence. It was relatively clean, but dirty at the same time empty but not empty. Was I in the hospital? How long have I been here for? I pulled up my other hand and place it on my face. I was definitely alive a human being but why did I feel so drowsy? I guess I ended up falling asleep because when I woke up, no one was in the room I was in the hospital The walls are white and blue There was a couch and two chairs next to the hospital bed it was a ginormous room. I don't think I've ever been in a hospital room, so big I don't think I've been in the hospital since I moved to Tokyo. It was strange were they all just this big here? Those 4 human presents were no longer here they must've been Tom, JJ and all them. The hospital room had such bright lights. I just wanted to turn them off. I feel like I haven't seen anything in years like my eyes don't work I tried, pushing my body up for more support I sat there. My body was in pain but an enjoyable pain nothing too painful to the point where I couldn't bear it or it didn't give me a rash. Did JJ and the others take me here was it really that bad of a crash to take me to the hospital?

A bunch of things were circling into my mind before I see Tom walking to the door as soon as he saw me, he dropped everything that was in his hands in the middle of the doorway and just stared at me. He screamed some thing, but if I'm being honest, I couldn't make it out to be anything it was just a bunch of ringing, my ears hurt what was going on why was he screaming? Why was he running to me like that as soon as I looked into his eyes All I could see was how cold they were. He looks sad miserable like he hadn't slept in days weeks. Why did he look like this? Everything was so confusing soon I seen the others come in. They were all talking, but I couldn't hear anything just ringing over and over and over again was giving me a headache I pulled my arms up to my face to cover it I try to say something, but nothing came out. My mouth is so dry and itchy. My throat burned. I needed water. Tom was now sitting next to me in that chair to the right where the door was where the others were standing with complete shock's looked on their faces I carefully tried to move my body off and out of the bed, but failed. I fell straight to the ground. Tom picked me up and put me back in bed I just wanted to say some thing I just wanted water it's all I want it.

My mouth hurts so much I just wanted to know what was going on I felt so powerless and vulnerable. Tom was looking at me straight in the eyes. It was a look that I couldn't decipher. The only thing I could think of was Morse code I started blinking at first he just looked at me weird but then I think he realized he caught on that I was trying to ask him for some thing. Soon he came with a bottle of water and gave it to me. My arms were sore and weak as if I just got in a fight it didn't bother me that much though I was very used to it after boxing matches and fights I guess that's why I was able to move so freely, although drinking was hard it felt like burning sensations in the back of my throat like a bunch of pins and needles it hurt like a bitch undescribable pain. I enjoyed it for a minute until I started coughing that shit sucked. But whenever I was in pain, I would lie to myself. That's how I would get through my pain if it was ever to unbearable for me, I would just tell myself that it wouldn't hurt that it doesn't hurt. It's just a weird feeling like tingly, almost and the pain will just go away.

That's what I did. I drink the whole bottle and fell back In to the bed it had felt like I've been working for days. My body was exhausted. I started to try and say something but just a little sounds were coming out. It was really pissing me off. I hated not being in control that was my greatest pain not being able to control myself because when I'm not able to control myself, it hurts the people I love like George Jj.... Even..Tom perhaps... no I don't love him like that I don't love anyone love is just a word a meaninglessly one how fucked up could I be to say that but in this moment I would kill to say I love you to George to say anything I just wanted them to know that I could say some thing why can I say anything? Why why fucking why what was going on? Why am I in the hospital? Why am I here? Why does everyone look like I just came back from the dead, or that, I literally just popped out of existence I hated it I just wanted to yell at them to stop looking at me it was making me uncomfortable and awkward. I hated it. I hated this feeling.

1390 words anyways damn well at least we can get some insight about how she feels about all of this. Anyways, she's finally awoken.🤭😍 vivi u better post now

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