Blind to love

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(Adelyn) When we were done me and Jj want home I started to box. I was mad so so mad I started smashing thing thrown things I was pisses I was going mad Jj look for real scared she kept trying to get me to calm down but in just couldn't so she called some one a car got pulled into my drive way and bill walked in the house all the boys were there I did not give a fuck and I kept yelling and screaming I was out of my mind.
(Tom) adelyn adelyn stop adelyn your going to hurt your self or someone else's u have to stop-
(Adelyn) TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GEG OUT KY FUCKING HOUSE! (Bill p) adelyn was yelling and throwing stuff. Tom and George try to hold her down but they just couldn't. Adelyn ended up throwing her phone and it hit Jj and busted her lip she looked at adelyn with pure shock and sadness we all stoped and Adelyn screamed (adelyn) FUCK FUCK FUCK ( adelyn p ) I grabbed my car keys and got in my car and drove off I was doing way over 130mph I was in no means fit to drive I knew there was a. Chance I would crash.
I was so pissed I went to the leis gang they hade 5 guys and they have been up my ass for a long time they owned me information and money. I thought if I went over there, it would distract me and I could clear my head so that's exactly what I did. As soon as I pulled up, they are shocked and surprised they were freaking out like they weren't prepared which is fucking stupid. Who left the guard down there in a gang?!? (Adelyn) we're is axe we have some shit that needs to happen before you all die. ( axe) no need for that adelyn here's ur money. But I don't have your information I just need a little time. (Adelyn) u hade 4 months how the fuck do you not have it?!? Befor I new it he hade his members, pull out their gun. They were all facing me. This infuriated me I was being kind to him and he was going to do this. He was not gonna get away with it. I shot him right in the head and ducked to the floor gunshots went off everywhere I started shooting anyone I could see there was only one guy left I shot him right in the leg. He went falling. He passed out as I put him in a chair and tied him up soon he woken up I interrogated him, for God knows how long until fucking the kaulitz showed up. (Adelyn) FUCKING TELL ME WERE IS THE FOLDERS! (Yn) THERE IS HIS DESK PLS DONT KILL ME
I put the gun up to his forehead (George) adelyn stop he told you let him go.(gun shot) (a p) as soon as I walked over and got my folders I shot him  right in the head them all watching Jj looked scared.
(Adelyn) Jj don't take it personal. It's my job I show no Mercy. That's how it's supposed to fucking be. From now on no one is spared if they get in my way, they fucking die.
(George) adds love pls calm down it's okay just calm down please. (Adelyn) I got weak George I got weak but it will never happen again. I will die in power and with no fear. (George) I hug adelyn I knew she was going through. A lot is a lot to handle at this young of an age. She can't even be a teenager deep down in a way I know she hates her life and hates her a hug her tighter. Haven her close to my chest. (You can stay with us tonight too but you can go back home there is broken stuff everywhere it's not safe. (Adelyn) fine (George) Jj can you drive? (Jj) ya why? (George) good drive my car back to are house u can follow us I'll go with adelyn.
(Tom) adelyn lost her shit to night wich means I was right she got pissed bc I read her and no one else could. I loved it I loved to see how hot she is and how she dose not give to fucks she handles guns, so well, it's like I'm in love with her she's always on my mind ever since we met. We also only have one guest room. Now that means she would be sleeping right next to me. I Room is connected by bathroom balconies connected. Made me think .
Time skip
The room that was mine was amazing

I wish my room looked like this tbh but I hade no clothes so when I went to take a shower I spaced out and forgot I hade no choice but to ask Tom which was scary, because the glass was one of those tinted ones where you couldn't see them completel...

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I wish my room looked like this tbh but I hade no clothes so when I went to take a shower I spaced out and forgot I hade no choice but to ask Tom which was scary, because the glass was one of those tinted ones where you couldn't see them completely, but you can see their figure and the shadow but I had to.(Adelyn) TOM TOMM (tom) yo what's up why are you calling me from inside that bath room?
(Adelyn) can I have some of ur clothes I don't have any please (tom) ya sure (pov) adelyn called for me from the bath room I stepped in a seen her figure in the shower door she was gorgeous I wanted her if I was being real. She asked for my clothes which made me excited, knowing that she was going to be wearing my clothes I went to my room and grabbed boxers and a hoodie for her and went back to the bathroom as she reached her hand out the shower to grab them her body was warm as she touched  my hand grabbing a clothes I walked out in to her room and waited for her to come out. And holy shit did she look hot in my clothes
She hade my boxers and hoodie on with a bra under i think. (Tom) you're really pretty adelyn. (Adelyn) just up Tom ur the pretty one ty for the clothes.(Tom) wana play truth or dare? (Adelyn ) sure (Tom )truth or dare (adds) truth..? (Tom) Are you a virgin?
(Adelyn) ya truth or dare ?(tom) truth (adds) did you really paralyze that girl bye fucking  her💀 ? (Tom) na Lmafo you found out about that ( adds) yup (Tom) truth or dare (adds) dare (Tom) kiss me (adds) are yo for real no way (Tom) aww are you a chicken poor adelyn (adds) shut up, Tom(Tom) make me then (adds) fine (I got up and moved closer to Tom and kissed him wich ngl turns in to a make out as he then moved his lips to my neck and sucked it leaving hickeys but just then bill and George walked in (bill) adel- (adds) scheiße! I pushed Tom of me so fast IT WAS JUST A DARE THATS IT (George) sureeee it was. aww my little girl is growing up! (Shut it George) well we wanted to know how your feeling now ?(adds) better I'm just hate my self for hurting Jj (g) well she is doing a lot better now she is just worried about you u have changed a lot since I last seen u and ur- so I just wanted to make sure u were okay.. (t) her what? (G) wym tom(t) you know what I mean wtf do you mean and ur-? Dose it have sun to do with that note book? (Ap) fuck he knows (George) no shut up Tom you don't know anything about the note book infact adelyn you should come get it. (Adds) alr bye Tom,(ap) I got up and walked out the room Tom was still just sitting there he looked a little annoyed at George but it's fine I went in to his room and he gave me the note book then we started talking about some of the songs and if I should go back to Germany and perform like every keeps asking I was so young I'm surprised that everyone still wants me back playing. (G) do you think you well ever play in front of people other then me again..? (A) idk geo I don't know if I can after my parents died I kinda just did not have the motivation to do it anymore. (Geo) =George} (geo) well when ever you are ready. I just feel like you have been well don't take it the wrong way but someone I don't recognize. Ik you did not want to shot that man but you did anyway and now your back to not eating! And you just look sick you have to think about your self for once (I hug adelyn tight I new she needed a hug. Maybe you should try writing a song about how you feel? (Adds) ya maybe that could be cool ig I'll try it geo ty for everything! I'm go back to my room good night. (Adds p) I hug geo and walk out his room for some reason tom was just on the end of the hallway? I ignored it and went back to my room.
(Tom's p) adds write songs? I never new she could sing or that she was performing at one point?!? I have to look it up but that might be what's in that note book her songs apart of me wants to steal it and look in it but the other one says not to. I feel bad about her parents as-well I just meet her and she is the only thing I can think about what the fuck is going on I went to bill I needed answers! On why tf I'm acting like this why why WHY?!? (Tom) bill open your door now (bill) tom? What's wrong are you okay?!?( billsp) I pulled tom in my room his face was red he was breathing heavily and when I looked in his eyes he looked as if he was concerned but also confused?(what happen Tom?) (tom)THAT BITCH (bill) WOW TOM CALM DOWN!(tom) I'm sorry but why tf is she on my mind she won't leave she's all I can think about did you know she used to be a singer? ANd she writes songs still and plays them for George out of all people him?!? I don't even think Jj knows (bill) SHHHH Jj is in the shower be careful! And yes I did know.(tom) WTF WHY WOULD YOU NOT TELL ME WTH BILL?!? (Bill) you know what I'll show u why (bills pov) I turns on Tom's favorite song he finally started to calm down but he did not know that this was adelyn adelyn was the one singing this playing the guitar he did not know. (Tom) okay what's your point? (Bill) tom she sings this adelyn adelyn sings this song she made it your in love with adelyn still..(tom) I new that name was familiar.. but but I'm not in love I never was okay I'm not she just has a place in my mind ig I just wish she would leave my mind. (Bill) tom you fucking lived her I don't know how you feel for older her but it seems like you like her Tom you loved her back then what's changed she's older and a mafia leader? (Tom) fuck bill yes she's a fucking mafia Leader and she's the youngest! (Bill) Yes but we're 2 and we have just as much power but in different situations and places

This was a long one but I really want to make a gustav story with anyone read it pls?let me know pls 2057 words

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