Wake up mien Liebe

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Bills pov) it's been a hour and a half since the intercom everyone was on edge and such little time we got so close. I knew Tom loved her. I knew it was gonna be like that since the day that she played on the radio in our dad's car, his bright smile I missed that him he went to every concert after that the night that she announced that she was quitting and moving away, his heart broke I could see it on him I'll hope and delight broken him. It was like he was now empty by her words. It went straight to his heart. Back then it was just a celebrity crush but now it's a best friend it's a crush it's someone important. All of us are breaking down, but I think George deep down was taking a turn for the worse. I think it hit him the most probably then Tom, and JJ. Then me I don't know her as much as they do but I would like to get to know her specially if she's gonna be the love of my brothers life someone important in his someone important in mine and someone important into jjs
(Jjs pov) I felt tired and worn out exhausted how could she do this? Why wouldn't she just let them go? Nothing happened to her car and now.. and now she might not just live all because of her stupid ambition, all because of her stupid hunger for fear her drive for pain and power for that one adrenaline rush Why can't you just listen to all of us? Why can't she just stay out of this mess? She's gonna die there's no way she's gonna make it. And it was partly my fault. I wasn't lying. When I said, I wasn't mad and trying to give her a space, but I was lying about I wanted to spend me and her time at the club. I wanted to go see Bill, which was selfish and mean and rude of me, and I pushed her to go there and now look where she is. It's all my fault. How can I of hurt her like this? why did I bring her into this mess?
If she dies, it's gonna be my fault. All the guilt. I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to live without her she's my sister my family the only family I have left she meant so much to me. She took me in when I had no one else she gave me a thriving home of roof food. When her parents died it hit me too. I also grew up with her parents, so they also felt like parents to me, and instead of me, comforting her she comfort me she was there for me why I sat there on the floor crying she was always strong for me. She always protect me. She always took the hits for me. She would always run into my house when I was little when my mom and dad were fighting to get me out, she would always take the beatings from my bullies at school. She was always there for me, and I was never there for her. I was never there...

(Doctor) are you all here to see adelyn Luxemburg?
(Doctor) well.. she's in a coma we don't know if she'll wake up or not but all her stats are normal so right now she's still alive but we don't know for how long I'm really sorry, but there is a huge chance that she might wake up We're going to keep her for two weeks to monitor her and see if she wakes up. You guys will have a private room and you may come and go as you please no restrictions.
(All) ty can we see her now pls..?
(Dr.) yes you may
Bills pov) my heart dropped seeing adelyn poor body in the hospital bed pale as a ghost she looked dead. George and Tom immediately ran to her. Each of them taking a hand and placing it in there. Jj is just stood there. She was utterly and completely in shock. She couldn't move. I can tell she was scared that she really think this was her fault.? (Tom's pov) I feel a bit relief, knowing that she's not dead but I can't help to feel that a Comma is not any better. She still not awake. She still think she looks dead. Her hand is cold, so is her expression although she looks peaceful and beautiful at the same time I just wish she knew that we cared for her and that we are right by her side and then we wouldn't leave her I wish I could just hear her voice one more time just one more time.. (Georges pov)adelyn was in a coma did I hear that right? I could feel a little light inside of me again I knew this was better than dead, but I also knew this was false hope the fact that she could wake up and not remember any of us, the fact that she could wake up paralyzed because that was not confirmed all of these things the fact that she might just not wake up why why did they have to try and take her so soon she's really not a bad person. She just has a lot of built of her. She's just doing her job she's just trying to live and survive....... I pulled out a crumbled up piece of paper from my back pocket it was a song that Adelyn had wrote, but ended up not liking. I thought it was amazing and right now this was one of the only things keeping her spirit alive in me. I sat there reading it crying she had such a kind heart and no one can see it.

Time skip
( George &tom tbh ) it been 2WEEKS and still nothing happened she still not up we visited her every single day, sometimes slept there for days. At a time we missed her. It wasn't the same without her. We also had to take on more responsibility now that she wasn't here to watch over and keep these little life gangs from trouble. Hopefully today when we visit her, we can see a sign. It's almost been three weeks. I talk to her I knew that was most likely she couldn't hear me and she wouldn't remember but I just wanted her to know if she could hear me in the slight chance that she knew that I was here watching over her making sure she was safe.

1124 words this is sad ngl I literally have no motivation to read or write🙁

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