i love you

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(Jj) Tom and George went every day to go see adelyn ik why for George but why Tom Tom has only known her for like a month?

Why all the sudden is he acting like she's the most important thing in the world he treats women like shit why now does he care? We missed her that's all I know it's been 3 weeks still nothing but we got a call from the doctor that apparently she's been showing signs of capability of waking up we stoped everything and got in the car we drove there Tom looked at as in shock after we told him him and George immediately ran to the cars and drove off (Tom) adelyn might be up and I need to be therefore when she dose or if she is me and George were the first to leave in the first to get there.

We ran all the way upstairs to her room. She was still asleep. My heart swelled. Has I held her cold hand in mine George had went to the bathroom. I started talking to her The doctor told us that it was a possibility a very big possibility that she could hear us. She just can't tell us that she can. Today. Was the first day I told her I loved her (Tom) adelyn if your listening I didn't realize this until now until how much I liked you how much I murdered you when I was little I used to go to concerts the night that you told everyone you were going to quit. I lost a part of me and had never seen you after that then I moved to Tokyo two years before you did when we met I knew exactly who you were I played it off as I didn't Instead, I ended up coming off as a dick an- sh. She just squeezed my hand.
She did I swear to God. (Tom) George George I swear to fucking God she just squeeze my hand. (George.) I'll call the others stay here watch her if she squeezes you any Tide or anything like that tell me immediately(Tom) okay I will now go call them. I sat there I keep talking. Like I said before adelyn I'm was a dick and I'm sorry I really do love you please please wake up for me for Jj for George for us all please- as soon as I stop talking she squeezed my hands again, but this time it was stronger like she could hear us like she was trying every willpower, every strength in her body to wake up, I am mediately screamed for George, and my surprise everyone else was here to GUSTAV bill Jj .

(Tom) SHE DID IT AGAIN SHES GOING TO WAKE UP I KNOW IT! (George) I could not believe my ears. It was as if he was playing tricks on us. I know he was just as eager to get her up as I was and I don't think he was joking. I was praying for the moment that she wakes up so I can hug her and tell her how much I love her. More then she ever knew but I soon as she wakes up, I'd make sure she knew how much I cared and love her.

(Bill pov) JJ started to cry I knew how scared and alone she felt after her accident. It's been a really really long time since any of us have lost heard Adelyn's voice for some of us. At least Tom would play her music videos every night she didn't wanna admit to it but we can tell that he was crying and deep down that he missed her a lot, so did George specially for JJ. I've never seen her so cold she had been staying with us for the past few days. She wasn't even sleeping in my room. She was sleeping in the bed that adelyn slept in when she was here. Jj was heartbroken. Everyone can see it she didn't really have any other family like Adelyn no mom no dad it was sad knowing how alone she must of felt them lonely nights speaking of which adelyn was the only one who new oh to cook so she would cook for us if not a chef I missed her a lot she was more than just a mafia boss. She was a friend She was a best friend. It didn't matter how long we knew her for. It felt like we've known her her whole life and in a way we did.
George and GUSTAV still did not now that Tom loved her when he was little. We were planning to keep it that way tbh but I think they might be catching on a lot faster than we interpretative. The doctor said it might be another week even tho she was frequently showing signs of waking up I don't know if I could last another week. It's already been so long it has now been a month since adelyn has been in a coma. Tom insisted that we should stay tonight, but he had a really good feeling. So we all did. It was 11:30 before everyone and me fell asleep Tom was in a chair leaning on the hospital bed, holding her arm resting his head on arm he really loved her I can't believe I've ever seeing this, my brother, the girl that hates all women that treats them all the same like shit. He really truly loves her? Maybe he's always loved her like this I know that he said he loved her when he was little, but when she left, he started to hear all girls but he told her to her face that he loved her ? Dose he really truly truly love her? I've never seen him so genuinely happy and sad for a girl how can this be how long will it last..?

1001 words can u believe that he truly loves her?

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