Who killed Honami?

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Saki: THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING (Sobs)!!!!!!!!

Shiho: Its okay Saki it's okay.

Ichika: Guys, we have to find evidence. We can can use the Monokuma file to help.

As they checked the file.

Monokuma file: The victim was killed at 12:00 in the kitchen. The person was killed by poison in their water. Any traces would be blood being coughed out onto a frying pan.

Shiho: Looks like she was cooking something for us.  Which was why there was a frying egg with a burnt in there. The person must've ran.

Nene: And then someone came in and poisoned her water.

Rui: Hmm, just by checking the water, someone put fertilizer in it.

Kohane: And fertilizer is what makes it poisonous.

An: But still not enough evidence.

Ichika spotted something on the counter, a book with something written inside. She then opened it, there was blood on it. This is also someones 

Ichika: Guys, this is someones book and has writing on. Its blurred a bit by the blood so its still not enough. I can try to decipher it.

Ena: What we need is still more evidence.

Mizuki: Calm down, Ena.

MonoMiku: Everyone, head down for the class trial.

As people made their way to the elevator, they enter the room.

MonoMiku: Welcome to your first class trial. Using evidence collected during the investigation phase, you need to determine the culprit of this scene that has happened. The trial ends when the culprit - known as the "Blackened" - is uncovered, and ultimately executed, or if the culprit isn't identified, the jury is executed, ultimately ending the killing game and allowing the culprit to graduate. So be careful. And also, I don't want people to be left out so that's why their photos are here. Now then take your positions and find out who it is.

Trial Begins

Airi: Lets find Honami's killer.

Saki: Any luck with the notes.

Ichika: No nothing yet.

Kanade: Lets start what we have right now.

Toya: Fertilizer was put in into her water. She drank it and fell to her death.

Akito: The killer must've been in a rush, and left their book on the counter and seemed to close stove before the fire must've started.

Kohane: Well, at least there was no fire. But the person still killed Honami.

As people were discussing. Ichika found something.

Mafuyu: Guys, I think Hoshino found something.

Ichika: A page seems to be ripped. Someone must have her dying message.

Haruka: But still not enough. But that book may lead to the culprit

As people then continued, Ichika then tried to put the pieces together.

Ichika POV: The pages mean something but what. Wait a minute.

Ichika then realizes that they look like list of instruments but their initals.

Ichika POV: B.G means Bass guitar S.D means snare drum E.P means electric piano. They are all instruments. But it seems it for music.

Ichika then remembered someone who used instruments before they were captured.


???: I write initial for instruments sometimes.

Ichika: Why?

???: That way I can find a way to put these instruments together to Compose Music.


Ichika : No.

Saki: Are you okay?

Ichika: (Tears stream out) I know who killed her.

Shizuku: You do?

Ichika: Yoisaki....(Cries) YOU KILLED HER DIDN'T YOU!!!

Ena: What?! It's can't be true.

Ichika: No, it makes sense. Before we got captured. (Shows the note book pages to everyone) You told me about instruments and initials. I know you killed her. I KNOW YOU DID!

Kanade: (Sighs) Your right, I did poison her, I confess.

Mizuku: Kanade....

Ichika: Why, WHY DID YOU KILL HER!!!


Kanade: Its because, she actually wanted to me to kill her.

Saki: W-what?

Kanade: This is what happened.

Flashback to the kitchen 11:55 am

Kanade: Mochizuki, you called me.

Honami: Kanade (Cries) I can't stand being here anymore.

Kanade: Me neither. But my friends and your friends.

Honami: I know that but, can I borrow a piece of paper.

Kanade: Of course, that explains why you ask me bring my notebook down. (Rips pages out and hands it to Honami). Here.

Honami and Kanade then write something down. Honami then gives the paper to Kanade.

Honami: Keep this with you. I have fertilizer and water.

Kanade: Mochizuki, you want me to kill you.

Honami: More like poison. I can't commit suicide if you can't stand being here also. So you'll have to kill me.

Kanade: Understood.

Kanade spritzs fertilizer into the water and mixes it.

Kanade: You ready.

Honami then nods and drinks the water. Coughing up blood, she falters to the ground to her death. Kanade then immediately turn off the stove and leaves the notebook behind for people to find it, despite the blood there.


Kanade: I couldn't stand being here anymore, so vote me out. Lets get this over it.

Ichika: Kanade NO!

MonoMiku: Afterall, its voting time!

Everyone then votes. A monoMiku slot machine then starts with the sign that says "Whos Guilty" showing Kanade right on it in the end.

MonoMiku: Correct! Honami's killer is none other than Kanade Yoisaki. Any last words?

Kanade: Stay safe everyone and Ichika (Gives the 2 papers to her) Honami and I want you guys to read this. Don't read it until the end of my execution.

MonoMiku: Now then, its PUNISHMENT TIME!!!

Kanade is the killer Honami Mochizuki! What is her punishment. Till the next chapter!

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