To protect my group, I have to..

438 4 11

At the girls locker room

Tsukasa: EMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Cries)

Nene: I found her here, when I was getting my sweater. It all started before I reported the body.

Minutes ago..

Nene: (Sighs) Looks like I forgot to bring my sweater , must've left it in the girls locker room.

Nene then left her room to go to the girls locker room. She swipes it with her e-handbook and opens her locker. She then heard someone coming. 

Nene POV: Is it a killer, gotta hide.

She then hid in her locker, and was luckily not found but heard a smash. When the person left, she saw nothing but Emu in a pool of blood.

Nene: Emu?! Wake up please. Emu!!!!!


Nene: And thats how I found it. 

Saki: No way....

Rui: I can't believe this.

Kohane: Emu...

Mizuki: Okay, enough weeping and more investigating, we have to check the MonoMiku file (A/n: note, its actually MonoMiku and not MonoKuma).

MonoMiku File: The victim was killed around 9:35 in the girls locker room. The person killed with a ball and threw the ball  which caused a bad head injury. 

Airi: I think this could be the ball. (Picks it up, which is covered in blood).

Shizuku: Its was right in that corner.

Rui: The head injury was pretty bad. The ball seems to also be a basketball.

Ichika: The person must've killed and didn't see Nene in her locker hiding.

Nene: Sadly, I only caught a glimpse.

MonoMiku: Attention students, its time for the class trial.

As people were leaving Akito then spotted something next to Emu.

Akito POV: A note?

I wish I could tell you but in a note its much easier. Saying it face to face will just bring more anxiety. Okay here it goes. You see, just meet me at the rooftop.


Akito POV: Toya....

An: Akito come on.

Akito then rips the note into pieces and put it in a trash can. He the runs to join.

At the class trial.

MonoMiku: Okay then, let the class trial begin!

Class trial starts

Minori: As we know, it all started in the girls locker.

Kohane: Most of us were in the cafeteria eating breakfast.

Haruka: Leaving only Shizuku, An, Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, Rui, Mafuyu, and Minori.

Kohane: But An, Toya, and Akito were at the rooftop which it was true were there. Their alibi checks it out so they were safe.

Shiho: So, it could be the 5.

Akito: But thats where your wrong.

Shiho: Huh?

In the depths of despair (Danganronpa AU)Where stories live. Discover now