Saki and Toya's execution

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Now then, this based on what happened during Toya's execution. As Saki and Toya's execution are connected as I said again.

Game over

Saki and Toya have been found guilty. It's Punishment Time!

Punishment: 🎹 The "Classical" conveyor belt 🎹

Right now with Saki, we are then set to the others looking at Saki with angry eyes and Toya with sad eyes. At that moment. Two shackles that has a design of on it connected to a long rope descends from the top of the trial room, with Saki glancing at it. The shackle goes behind Toya and Saki around her neck, pulling her towards the trial room. The other dragging Toya the opposite direction Saki was going. Despite Toya and Akito reaching out to each other, they are too far away to grab each other's hands and Toya is then pulled down to a chair and tied up. While at it, the conveyor belt then starts to move. Right at it, there is a screen of Saki playing the piano. While as the conveyor belt is moving him backwards, he can see some of the Monokubs pulling on the ropes and could also hear the smashing sound of a large block, resembling a trash compactor. Toya then braces impact on getting squashed. But something weird happens. Right before he gets smashed, AI Mizuki then appears on the screen instead of Saki and the compacted then stops leaving Toya in confusion. After that the belt then opens and Toya falls right through the belt. But while add it, the KaitoKuma bear appears to be on it. AI Mizuki then disappears and instead the compactor squashes KaitoKuma in the process, shocking everyone.

After the execution

Ena: Huh?

Mafuyu: AI Mizuki?

MonoMiku: What is that, some kind of virus?

Minori: Hold on, where does it lead.

Kohane: It seems like it ends up in the trash dump.

Nene: You mean the trash room.

Shiho: Is anybody going in there? Though it is kind of gross.

Akito: I'll get him, anybody with me?

Rui: I'll go too.

Kohane: Me three.

Ena: The rest of us will stay up here.

Ichika: Sounds good to me.

MonoMiku: Okay then fine! I'll let him live! Just because the final class trial is coming up soon. So class trial dismissed.

Meanwhile in the trash room.

Toya: Ow, why am I still alive? Shouldn't I be dead?

He then spotted a part of KAITOKuma and then used it to cut himself out of the rope.

Toya: Double Ow. Why am I in the garbage compactor room.

Akito: Toya!

Toya: Huh?

Rui: You good?

Toya: Yeah, and I a think I hit my head on something.

Rui: Just glad that you're okay.

Toya: May I ask, why did you guys save me?

Kohane: Of course we're not gonna let you die, you may be a mastermind, but still, you helped us. Now, it's our turn to help you.

Akito: So what you waiting for? (Reaches out to Toya) The others are waiting, come on.

Toya then grabs Akito's hand. As Akito pulls him in, Toya then suddenly collapses forward into Akito and Akito thankfully catches him.

Akito: He must've felt lightheaded when he fell. I'll take him back to his room. Kohane, tell the others where I'm gonna be at, Rui maybe you can come with me?

Rui: My pleasure Shinonome-Kun.

So, Roya survives thanks to the help of Akito and the others and the soon the final trial will commence!

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