Death of the Star

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The next day, some people were waiting in the gymnasium, waiting for the news if Shiho to wake up, after what had happened during Shizuku, some were in the nurses office checking on Shiho, and some were in who knows where. Meanwhile right in the gymnasium...

Ichika: What in the world was Shiho thinking?!

Akito: Running into ones execution, not cool.

Toya: Lets just hope he's alright.

Minori: Guys, Shiho's awake now, but shes not in the mood.

Ichika: It has to do with Shizuku, right?

Minori: Yep.

In the nurses office.

Ena: Shiho, you have to get out you know.

Shiho: I'm not.

Kohane: You have to let it go you know.

Shiho: I know that but...

???: Shizuku, right?

Shiho: Minori...

Minori: We get it, but you have to let that go, thats all now right in the past.

Shiho: Your probably right, I should.

Nene: AAAAAHHHH!!!! (bursts through the door).

Toya: Kusanagi, whats wrong.

Nene: Its...its.....its the ghost of Mizuki!

Ena: Eh?! 

Toya: Where is it?

Nene: In the bathhouse locker room. I found it when I was heading down to the girls locker room, but I ended up in the bathhouse locker room. In doing so, I notices a glow in the Public Bathhouse, I followed it, only to see the "ghost of Mizuki" in a locker, then I ran away in fear.

Akito: Well then, lets go!

At the bathhouse locker room.

Nene: Here it is.

The laptop was still in there in the locker.

Rui: Ah, looks like you found the laptop.

Nene: Rui, what did you do with it?

Rui: Mizuki and I were working on something in our free time. Let me just...

Rui then started clicked on a mysterious file.

Toya: It says Alter ego.

Ichika: It means another self, if I'm not mistaken.

The file then shows up to have a picture of Mizuki.

AI Mizuki: Hello! I'm Mizuki Akiyama, nice to meet you all.

Ena: AH! What the-

AI Mizuki: Sorry for the scare everyone.

Ena: I'm gonna grab a breather.

Mafuyu: Me too, I never seen someone created this in real life. It was a bit

Minori: Shocking?

Mafuyu: Yeah.

As Ena and Mafuyu left,

Rui: So what do you think?

Minori: Its amazing!

Shiho: Yeah!

Toya: This is the first time I've ever sawed this. This is incredible!

Akito: Expected from our Ultimate robotic engineer. But Mizuki is a mastermind.

Rui: I know that, that's why a built this. Like a memory to remind of her. After her death that is (Somber)

Nene: Rui...

MonoMiku: A dead body has been reported, please head to the cafeteria.

Akito: That place is quite common to be killed at.

Toya: Lets just check who it is.

At the cafeteria...

Akito: Get ready, be prepared for a meltdown.

As Akito open the door. Ena and Mafuyu were sitting down on the cafeteria bench, with a dead body laying down there.

Saki: Ah, sorry about that, I overslepttttttttttt. NII-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tsukasa Tenma, The Ultimate Star, Dead

Our dear star, Tsukasa Tenma has been killed! Find out who it is in the next chapter.

In the depths of despair (Danganronpa AU)Where stories live. Discover now