The traitor is...

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Get ready for the traitor to be revealed!

Ena: Ichika is right! She was after the traitor.

Shiho: They were within the masterminds.

Ichika: Well it can't be Saki, since she already revealed already. Making MonoMeiko (Mizuki) and MonoLen (Tsukasa) out of the list.

Mafuyu: What we have left is LukaKuma and KaitoKuma.

Toya: Why not MonoMiku?

Rui: Because MonoMiku's the headmaster. There is no possibility it could be him or her.

Ena: So that means that you and Tsukasa were trying to weed out the traitor by making Tsukasa as the bait!

Saki: Yep, except you found out the person who made the actual kill to Tsukasa. So the traitor will be killed along with ME!

Toya: But still, you masterminds didn't know who the traitor was, so you guys must've relied on something quite important.

Nene: That's probably true. But what?

Minori: But you guys didn't have to go this far to find the traitor. Now we're in a bind now.

Kohane: She (Airi) wanted us to beat the traitor. So we'll do that for her. But even though she isn't a mastermind, we still have to vote them out.

Toya: Even though they betrayed the masterminds?

Kohane: Yes.

Ena POV: Hold on, why did he say that just now. I'll keep that in mind

Toya: That concludes the argument on what you masterminds and Airi wanted. You guys wanted to find the traitor. You guys gonna believe me?

Minori: Yes, thats it! We have to do this by believing, and I mean it by chance.

Mafuyu: That means we have to it by chance? That's what we need to rely on?

Toya: The traitor would've revealed themselves...but if they saw what Saki and Tsukasa were planning to do, would it have stop them from being so reckless?

Kohane POV: What is Toya saying?

Toya: But... they couldn't help it....Even if they wanted to, they just couldn't do it. Because, they were probably scared if they found out.

Rui & Akito POV: He's actually doing it.

Toya: So thats why, I want you guys to guess.

Ichika: Wait what?

Toya: You heard me, I want you guys to guess.

Shiho: Eh?

Kohane: What does that really mean?

Toya: Who do you think is the traitor, Kohane? Everyone? Who do you think betrayed the masterminds just so they can be with you guys?

Shiho: But why?

Toya: A traitor who is not allowed to think as everyone else, who try to live in hope instead of despair. A traitor who can talk with people as they truly are without being in despair, even though its still a part of them.

Ena: Why?!

Toya: Because, they wanted to be free of the despairful past and go into the light.

Kohane: Seriously, why though?!

Toya: Now then, who think is the traitor? Please, figure it out.

Ena POV: Who in the world is it?

Saki POV: People who are getting frustrated of who the traitor is, is quite despiarful just tiring.

In the depths of despair (Danganronpa AU)Where stories live. Discover now