The final class trial

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The moment you been waiting for, the final class trial!

The next day in the dining area...

Ena: The final class trial is coming up soon, and yet, Toya is kept still alive.

Ichika: We have to get out of this school alive.

Shiho: But the other two masterminds are still on the loose.

Rui: We don't have enough time left.

???: Um, what did I miss?

Everyone: (Gasps)

Ena: Toya, your awake.

Toya: I just felt lightheaded yesterday so I just slept in. Now then, what did I miss?

Minori: We were just talking about the final class trial.

Rui: Its coming up real soon.

Akito: There you guys are.

Kohane: The final trial is gonna be commencing quite soon.

Rui: All we can do is prepare.

Nene: Guys, I want you guys to come to the elevator.

Ena: Eh?

Nene: Let me show you why. 

As the students are guided by Nene to the elevator.

In the class trial room

Ena: Okay, why did you want us to come here?

Nene: (Sinister smile) Because....

Suddenly smoke then covers through and Nene appears holding LukaKuma in her arms. (Note: Her outfit when she is a mastermind is the one right in the photo above).

Nene: MonoMiku asked me t bring you guys down for the final class trial!

Rui: Your LukaKuma?!

Nene: Oh yeah I'm right. As I said, MonoMiku wanted me to guide you down because, its time for the final trial. 

MonoMiku: That's right! Everyone, take your places because its time...

MonoMiku & Nene: For the final class trial!

Final Class trial start!

Nene: Okay then, here is how the class trial works. You guys have to figure out who the leader of the despairful six is. Once you find out who it is, our dear leader will explain the rest.

Ichika: Lets get on with what we know, starting with the information of we know.

Mafuyu: Lets start, right in what Kanade and Mochizuki had told us.

Shiho: We know that it is a government-funded elite high school that recruits top students to inspire hope. From every field that is. 

Minori: They also talked about two organizations, one which is Ultimate despair, the other future foundation.

Kohane: But either way, we don't know anything about MonoMiku. Only that he or she is despairful.

Ena: Hmm, wait a minute, we may not be able to not able ask Nene but I don't want to ask risking it.

Akito: Ena, I don't get your point.

Ena: What about we ask Toya?

Toya: What?!

Ena: You should know who it is right?

Toya: Actually, no I don't. Nene is MonoMiku's second in command, so she knows. I bet that she won't tell us.

Nene: Of course I won't.

Akito: Hold on... most of were in the dining area. Right?

Rui: Thats right!

Minori: What is your point there.

Kohane: There has always been one student who often doesn't leave their dorm room.

Toya: Thats right! There is only on person who wasn't down with us.

Everyone: Who?


Everyone: What?!

Akito: He's right! Come to think of it, she is always in her room writing music, so....

Minori: What if it was just an excuse?

Rui: That way, she could spy on us easily.

MonoMiku: What?! What in the world are you talking about?!

Toya: Because after all, its like you've been avoiding us. Except for Ena and Saki. You went with Ena to hide your innocence as a mastermind and you were with Saki because you were both Masterminds, of course you know! Sometimes when we're all together, it was only to blend in!

MonoMiku: Enough!

Toya: Oh yeah, she designed up the plan for this. THE WHOLE KILLING SCHOOL LIFE!!!! MAFUYU ASAHINA YOU ARE THE TRUE MASTERMIND!!!

MonoMiku: Mother Truckers!

MonoMiku then seems to be playing dead.

Ena: You know (Looks at Mafuyu) Its time for you to give up. If I were in your shoes as an honor student, I say that you and Nene did something to operate the MonoMiku yourselves. The others as well.

Shiho: So admit defeat.

Mafuyu: Oh I'm not gonna admit defeat. Now that you know, its time for the ultimate battle!

Suddenly smoke comes in and Mafuyu then reappears with different clothes (Note: Her clothes are shown in the next chapter).

Mafuyu: At long last! Oh the oceans of time have now crossed. Its been too long to reveal myself. Now then, let the Ultimate battle begin!!!!

Mafuyu Asahina, The Ultimate despair: MonoMiku

Toya POV: This is it...

Everyone POV: It must end here now!

The final battle begins in the next chapter! Who will win? Hope vs Despair will commence!

In the depths of despair (Danganronpa AU)Where stories live. Discover now