Saki and Toya's execution

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Note: This is Saki's execution part since Saki and Toya's execution is actually connected. This is with Saki.

Game over

Saki and Toya have been found guilty. It's Punishment Time!

Punishment: 🎹 The "Classical" conveyor belt 🎹

Right now with Saki, we are then set to the others looking at Saki with angry eyes and Toya with sad eyes. At that moment. Two shackles that has a design of MonoMiku on it connected to a long rope descends from the top of the trial room, with Saki glancing at it. The shackle goes behind Toya and Saki  around her neck, pulling her towards the trial room. The other dragging Toya the opposite direction Saki was going (Downward). Saki's trial room entrance then says "LIVE" on the trial room, which then flashes on. 

Saki  is dropped on her knees onto an over-sized piano with a spiked cover and thorny vines, sheet music flying past her as she falls. MonoMiku, wearing a black tuxedo, sits on a tall chair in front of the piano holding a baton acting as the conductor, while a crowd of other Monos and monokubs  start to gather and a large machine connected to the piano decorated with red roses featuring a cat, a pocket watch and a playing card emerges from behind it. After laughing, MonoMiku raises his baton, and the Monos plus the monokubs appear on both sides of the piano, holding ropes which they pull downward. The rope is revealed to be tied around Saki's neck, which pulls her upwards and forces her to stand up, grabbing the clasp. As MonoMiku conducts, the Monos and the Monokubs then start pulling her up and down, making her play a song on the piano using her body. However, Saki begins to step on the wrong piano keys, playing so out of tune that it disgusts the crowd of Monos ad Monokubs.

Suddenly, the Monokubs begin to speed up the song, pulling Saki up and down so quickly that she finds herself unable to breathe, her face red and her eyes swirling from dizziness. Monokuma begins to swing his arms about wildly instead of actually conducting the song, due to its speed, and starts sweating. The song keeps going faster and faster with the machine connected to the piano seemingly breaking. It is soon officially broken the moment Saki dies from asphyxiation. The moment she dies, MonoMiku stops swinging his arms and is now sweating from all that conducting. Soon after that, lights of the piano darken and a shocked MonoMiku stands on a stool while Saki's body is just dangling there on the rope around her neck. After that, the spiked piano cover soon closes with a motionless Saki on the piano. But as it closes, LukaKuma then tosses MonoRin in to the piano, destroying Saki's corpse and decapitating MonoRin's body right in the process entirely, which causes the students to be shocked.

That is just Saki's execution. What happened to Toya? Ready to see what happened to Toya in his part. 

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