Death of a cheerful one

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Note: One whole episode is 3 parts in this fanfic. The victim, the trial, and finally the execution

The next day in the cafeteria

Mizuki: I can't believe that Kanade and Honami are gone!

Ena: No wonder Kanade mentioned despair.

Airi: Hai, lets keep on the hope.

Shiho: Has anyone seen Ichika?

Saki: Ichika is on her way down so...

Ichika: Sorry about that, after what happened, I need sometime for a minute.

Shiho: We all feel the same way.

Kohane: Just to let you know, Akito, Toya and An are at the rooftop, An told me.

Airi: Oh I forgot, Shizuku is in her room, and wants some alone time.

Mizuki: And Mafuyu is in her room, writing music as usual.

Kohane: Hmm, I wonder whats going on at the rooftop there.

Meanwhile at the rooftop.

Akito: Seriously, who in the world are the despairful 6? I know there members of ultimate despair but are those survivors?

An: Thats what we need to figure out.

Toya seemed to be tensed.

Akito: Toya, you good?

Toya: Yeah, I'm fine. Akito, can I talk to you in private.

An: I'll leave you two to it.

As An leaves the rooftop...

Akito: Toya, are you okay (Gets closer).

Toya: Its just that, how far can we go before the game ends.

Akito: Your scared aren't you.

Toya: You could say that.

Akito: (Hugs Toya) Its okay, well we better head down to the others, they're in the cafeteria.

As Akito was leaving to downstairs with Toya, something was on Toya mind.

Toya POV: Why couldn't I say it. If I tell them, they'll flip and execute me. But..... father. He was the cause for me to be in his situation. Maybe I am scared of death as well. What can I do now? Why is this so painful. Will everything change between us. An, Kohane, everyone, Akito, .....................................................................I'm so sorry.

Akito saw that Toya actually had tears streaming down, and when they made it to the first floor he immediately hugged him.

Akito: Toya, your making me worried.

Toya: Like I said, just a bit scared.

Akito: Toya, you can tell me.

Toya: I... I..

Akito POV: Hmm, he's been holding this in for a while now.

Toya: I...I can't.

Akito: Its okay. You can tell me when your ready. Now then lets head to the cafeteria or else they'll yell at us.

Toya: Okay.

Akito POV: I'll have to find out eventually. Hmm, he seemed tensed when we mentioned despairful 6.

Minori: Akito, Toya isn't it? My name is Minori Hanasato the Ultimate hard-worker.

Akito: Nice to meet you, I'm Akito Shinonome the Ultimate beat-boxer.

Toya: And I'm Toya Aoyagi, the Ultimate classical prodigy. Say, haven't we met before.

Minori: Yeah! We met with the encounter with cheesecake and Samo-chan.

Akito: Oh don't remind me.

Toya: (Chuckles).

Tsukasa: TOYA!!!!!!!

Akito: You kidding me.

Toya: Tsukasa, what are you doing here?

Tsukasa: Ah, I was in my room and wondering if we were gonna make it out alive.

Toya: I understand how you feel.

Rui: Now then, lets head to the cafeteria now, shall we?

But MonoMiku was on announcement.

MonoMiku: A dead body has been found, please head to the girls locker room.

Akito: Did she say Girls locker room?

Minori: You don't have a choice.

At the girls locker room...

Minori: I got it.

Minori swipes her e-handbook and opens the door to reveal the death of pink haired girl. Nene, was there to witness it.

Akito: No way.

Tsukasa: Whats going.... (sees Emu) EMU?!!!!

Emu Otori, The Ultimate Acrobat: DEAD

Who killed Emu? Find out in the next chapter.

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