37 | Fighting

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Hinata and Komaeda hurried up the stairs to Hinata's apartment, laughing.

"Come on, open the door!" Komaeda said, giggling.

Hinata laughed and unlocked it. They went inside and Hinata gently pushed Komaeda against a wall and kissed him. They kept kissing. Hinata put his hands on Komaeda's waist and the pale boy wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Hajime?" Kamukura asked.

"Woah!" Hinata yelped and let go of Komaeda, embarassed. He then noticed all the bruises and wounds on Kamukura's body and his expression changed. He was wearing a T-Shirt and shorts so everything was clear to see.

"What happened to you? Why is your cast off?!" He asked, freaking out.

"Why were you kissing Komaeda like that?"

"That has nothing to do with anything! What did you do while I wasn't home?"

"I went to work,"

"Izuru! Don't do that with a broken foot!"

"Don't try to control me. I can do whatever I want,"

"But it's not good for you! I don't want you to get hurt!"

Kamukura pulled a big stack of money out of his bag and put it on the table. "Here. I can always just pay to get my wounds treated,"

"Where did you get that??"


"You're... You're lying to me." Hinata crossed his arms. "I can tell by the look on your face, Izuru. Stop lying,"

"Uhm..." Kamukura looked off to the side. "I'm leaving." As he walked, Hinata could hear his bone cracking.

"No, you're not!" Hinata grabbed him by his wrist.

"I am leaving,"

"You're gonna break your leg like this! Komaeda, call an ambulance!"

"Yes, Sir!" Komaeda got out his phone and called one.

"Hajime, let me go."

"No. I'm not letting you leave like this."


Kamukura was taken to the hospital. It took a while, but all his wounds healed eventually, and so did his broken foot.

Hinata and Komaeda were sitting in the living room, when a notification popped up on Kamukura's laptop. Hinata shot it a glance, but was confused by the message, so he looked again.

'The next fight is tonight at midnight, here.' Then, they sent a location.

"What the hell..." Hinata muttered. Komaeda had read the message too.

"Sounds like he's participating in underground fights,"


"He's probably doing it for money. At least, that's what I think,"

Hinata nodded and stayed silent for a while. Komaeda looked at him, worried.

"Are you okay?"

"I have a plan. We just gotta find that place. I'll tell you about it on the way, alright?"



That midnight, Kamukura stood in the ring, alone. He was wondering where his opponent was.

"Kamukura still hasn't been defeated, despite always getting injured," A man said into his microphone. "But tonight, we have a completely new opponent. One that has never participated in fights before. Let's see how he does! Everyone, please welcome Hinata Hajime into the ring!"

Kamukura's eyes widened and he froze as he saw his brother step into the ring. He then noticed Komaeda in the crowd. The pale boy looked extremely worried.

"1...2...3... Go!" The man shouted.

The two brothers just stared at each other.

"Come on, Izuru. You can start,"

"...I can't fight you. Even if I tried, I'd loose. And I don't want to hurt you. So just defeat me..." He surrendered.

"You two gotta fight though!" Someone in the crowd said. Soon, everyone began chanting at them to fight.

Kamukura looked at Hinata and nodded. The brunet did as well. Then, he ran towards Kamukura, grabbed his wrists and threw him over his shoulder, making the other boy land on his back.

"I won." Hinata announced.


They left the building and Komaeda began questioning them. "Why did you actually fight? That wasn't part of the plan!! Kamukura-kun, are you okay??"

"I'm fine. It's a technique that we practiced as kids a lot. I made sure to bend my legs so I could land on my feet and then let the rest of my body hit the ground. I'm completely fine,"

"Oh thank God!" He pulled Kamukura into a hug. "I was so worried!!"

Kamukura hugged him back, surprised. After Komaeda let go, Kamukura hugged Hinata tightly.

"I'm sorry. I quit the day you quit, just a few hours later. I'm sorry for lying to you, I'll never lie again." He said, slowly beginning to cry. "Th-thank you for helping me, Hajime. I... I love you,"

Hinata grinned and hugged him so tight, for a second Kamukura couldn't breathe. "I love you too!"

♡ Private School | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now