05. mer-curse-reverse-goo

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Jisung takes a deep breath as he stands outside of Chan's house, the warm afternoon sun shining down on him

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Jisung takes a deep breath as he stands outside of Chan's house, the warm afternoon sun shining down on him.

Chan's home is quaint. It's a two-story, decades-old cottage, with a large, sprawling front yard full of grass and wildflowers.

Chan's family has owned the home for a lifetime (or multiple), and the dated architecture of the whimsical cottage echoes its age. The walls are painted a soft white, the shutters a bright blue, and the door a vibrant red.

Jisung steadies himself before knocking on the door. He let Chan know he was coming over an hour before his arrival, but it doesn't help to shake the nerves from his body: he's really about to break the curse. Anyone would be nervous.

He can hear footsteps inside the house, and soon enough, Chan's face appears in the doorway. His eyes widen with slight surprise before settling into a soft smile.

"Hey," Chan says, opening the door wider to let Jisung inside. "I'm hoping this 'urgent issue' is actually urgent because I cleaned my kitchen for you."

"Hey," Jisung responds with a laugh to follow, taking off his shoes before stepping inside the living room. "And it is. I'll tell you once I set my stuff down."

The living room is a cozy space, with a large, brown leather couch in the center and a bookshelf full of books in the corner. The walls are adorned with framed art, and the floor is covered in a thick, plush rug.

Chan's dog, Berry, yips loudly with delight upon seeing a familiar face (and the two spend a few moments petting the dog and cooing obnoxiously).

Chan leads Jisung to the kitchen, which is bright and airy, with large windows overlooking the backyard.

A small, round table sits in the center, and Chan gestures for Jisung to take a seat. Jisung does so, setting down his backpack containing his bag of ingredients as Chan takes a seat across from him.

"So, what's up?" Chan asks, eyeing the bag curiously.

"I think I've figured out how to lift the curse," Jisung says, pulling out the Bleeding Heart flowers, sardines, and the bottle of seawater, and setting them on the table.

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