07. in case of emergency

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Jisung's first instinct is to call an ambulance for the librarian, but doesn't

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Jisung's first instinct is to call an ambulance for the librarian, but doesn't. Rather, he opts to see if there are any phone numbers around to call in case of an emergency.

For all Jisung knows, the mysterious, pretty-eyed librarian could be a runaway criminal, and calling an ambulance would put him in the clutches of a ten-year jail sentence.

Jisung doesn't know.

All he knows is that his brain is running on pure adrenaline and battery acid and he can't think straight.

He rummages around the librarian's front desk in search of clues, conveniently (thank you, universe) finding a yellow sticky note with an array of brazenly scribbled telephone numbers—also conveniently labeled 'call in case of emergency'. Great.

Jisung quickly calls the first number on the list, and a soft-voiced woman answers on the other end.

"Babe, it's Minho! He's calling the emergency number!" the woman shouts on the other end of the telephone line, presumably speaking with her significant other. "Give me one second Minho, I—for fuck's sake—Felix!"

"I'm not—" Jisung tries, only to get shut down by the Deepest Voice Jisung's Ever Heard in His Life.

"Minho? Hey, is everything alright?" Felix asks. With the face that Felix has, owning a bookstore called Pixie's Pages, Jisung would've never expected a voice like that.

"Um, yeah, it's me," Jisung stutters, not expecting the call to be answered by the librarian's friend. He was expecting a mafia boss or something along those lines. "But I'm not Minho."

"Not Minho?" Felix repeats, sounding confused. "Well, you don't sound like him."

"No, I—I'm Jisung," Jisung nervously responds (that voice is almost as intimidating as the librarian—Minho?—'s stare), "I'm the librarian's um... friend, and he... sorta' passed out."

"He did what?" Felix's voice is anxious, clearly worried. "What happened? Is he alright?"

"I think he's alive, but he passed out due to a real nasty coughing fit," Jisung explains, feeling guilty for not being able to do more for the librarian. "He said he got really sick overnight, I think?"

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