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Luigi rushed the meeting, he was getting sick of the occasional sarcastic comments from mario to Bowser or Vice versa and it was getting on his nerves, but, there was still a lot to find out, he figured out the practical stuff, but.. he needed records for the kids' history, medical or not, stuff to maybe make it easier, like allergies, if one of the kids had an allergy to peanuts they wouldn't go near where peanuts where sold, well.. that's what he told the others. Really, he just wanted some background on them and the koppa King.

"So, you have none of the kids' history records, what kinda dad are you!?"
Mario snapped. Honestly, it was a harsh response, mario and him had nothing but a birth certificate and a few coins when they came to the mushroom kingdom looking for work.
"Now, Mario."
Peach stepped in as they walked down the hall, Luigi could see the complete discomfort in Bowsers' face.
"Well, the mother was.."
"Do they all have different mothers or something? Princess, you've kidnapped?"
"Okay, mario, that's enough. You took it too far there, go take a breather, or calm down, cuz I ain't scared to call security on ya, or kick you out myself."
Daisy pointed a finger at Mario.
They entered the air pad where the boat planes were parked.
"I- I'm sorry, I'm just a little confused and Luigis willing to go with him, its all alot Okay? I want to know why you have nothing?"
" B-King Bowser doesn't need to explain any explanation. Let's go, it was nice to see you all!"

Luigi got on the boat plane, and Bowser followed. He then sighed softly.
"Thanks, it's -"
"Family matter, I understand, I do hope you have the basics,"
"I have everything but the history, I have my history, but I don't know if that would help you much,"
"Wh- oh family matter right."
"No, no, you can have an explanation, as long as this doesn't leave you lips to anyone, but to me, very few know of this, okay? "
"Are you sure?"
Luigi looked up at him. Why would he tell him, but.. it would be good to know.

"t the Koopalings are adopted, Bowser Jr. is my only 'biological' kid, but if that was revealed, they would be kicked from their right to the throne or to be dukes, leaders, all that bull, other then, living in the castle, so I didn't tell anyone, the older kids know they know everything, Ludwig remembers, im sure roy and lemmy know stuff to and I dont know they dont like to talk about it, so I try not to push, its but, Wendy, Lemmy, Larry and jr are still so young they don't need to know, and- I- first I only took on Ludwig, at the time, i- I had to okay? That's why I have everything for Bowser Jr.. I have nothing for The Koopalings. They were not given much"

This was news.. he- the Koopalings not being the king koppas..? That was.. so sweet, he took on kids, he had the money for it, the time, and to think he couldn't make his heart fall for him anymore, he could only imagine what those kids had gone through..

"That's sweet.."
"You think so?"
"Yeah! You took on kids as you wanted them to stay together. That's -"
It made luigi think, why would they run away..? They maybe... Bowser raised an eyebrow.
"You okay..?"
"Yeah.. sorry! Uh, the kids, the Koopalings, I mean, are they all related, or do you not know?"
"Uh.. I think they all have the same biological mother.. but I don't know.."
"Okay, so do you still have the adoption paperwork?"
"Yes.. I do."
"I'll need that and a room to look at it in, oh uh is there anyone else who knows of their adoption?"
"Kamek, of course, and... Boo"
"Boo... Okay.."
Bowser gave a weak smile as they landed back on the castle roof.
"Give Mr. Luigi mario what he asks for Okay."
And with that, he walked off, leaving luigi worried and Kamek confused..

It was very easy to find out the answers. All the kids were related to the same mother, and the birth place of the kids was, around the mushroom kingdom, in small towns around, two of them were born inside the mushroom kingdom.
The more intriguing thing was Bowser Jr.. He was not adopted, but his mother recorded name it looked like he should know it..? But he didn't have time, all he had to do was find and enter all these towns. Some of the towns around the mushroom kingdom had a name change or were consumed by the mushroom kingdom.. so, this made it a lot easier.. but the only thing that still didn't make sense is.. why take Bowser Jr. with you..?

When Kamek came and got Luigi, he was excited to see Bowser usually, Bowser would come and make sure he got some sunlight, but.. he had not come, so he wanted to see him.. he opened the door with a smile! This was a big breakthrough!!.. No one was there, a koppa troopa scurried in behind him.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Luigi, King Bowser, can't meet with you tonight.. He has business.. you can sit and I'll take your request! As the king isn't here.. What would you like?"

Luigi sat and ate. It was amazing, but.. he felt.. sad? Alone? He had eaten alone so often as mario spent more time with Peach, and he was fine, but.. something had changed. Not just with him.. But with this case, Bowser didn't even say why he couldn't make it. Something was going on, and he had to find out, but for now, a walk through the town should be in order, he had sat down in some office for so long he thought he was gonna forget what the sun or moon looked like.

The town was gorgeous at this time, so quiet and calm.. the stars were not as clear as he would have hoped, but.. that was from all the lava, being koopa kingdom. There was a lot of lava. It made the night glow with a soft red, a colour that was beginning to comfort him. He was steps closer to finding those kids, and when he did, he would sleep a lot easier, thinking about those kids reuniting with their dad.. oh, fire flowers.. their dad, Mr. Bowser.. he's so, wel-
Luigi sweeked as a knife was held to his throat.
The man's eyes purple stared into his.
The man whispered.

being a "hero" dad is not as straightforward (bowser x luigi)Where stories live. Discover now