13. Glossy Honey Eyes

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THE Pouges were on a boat sitting around a table trying to come up with a transportation "Honestly, the hardest part is gonna be security, all right. So most of the guys are gonna be at the rail yard" JJ explains

"We'll need to find some place and guard it, maybe a little further down the line, like a whistle-stop or something" Pope adds on

Cleo shifted in her seat "you guys are getting ahead of yourselves per usual. We don't have a way to transport the cross. What you think? On JJ's motorcycle?"

As JJ and Pope kept talking about transportation Sarah quickly tried to hide herself "Oh my god"

"Oh my god what?" Avery intervenes wanting to know why the blonde girl said that. That's when Pope and Kie turned around to where Sarah was looking before to see the one and only Topper.

"Is That Topper?" Pope asks like it wasn't clear enough.

Avery groaned as she threw her head back "why is he everywhere"

Pope on the other hand didn't look annoyed or disgusted by Topper, he some what looked happy as he turned to look at JJ "Jayj, i bet you Topper has a way to transport the cross"

"Actually, Popes right. He does have a rig" JJ adds on.

Sarah immediately shook her head "no"

"Yes, Sarah you already got him whipped in anyways. So why don't you just take one for the team?" Avery really didn't want to agree with JJ or Pope but they were right. JJ was right, Topper would do anything for Sarah. He loved her.

"What would John B say?" Sarah asks trying to make excuses so she wouldn't have to ask Topper. Or even talk to him.

"I think John B would completely understand. This may be the only way we get the cross back also" Avery answers as she fiddled with her rings.

"We can handle John B. Just talk to him" Kie says reassuring Sarah that everything was going to be fine. Sarah looked at the Pouges one last time before she slowly got up took a deep breath and walked over to Topper.

The Pouges couldn't hear what they were saying considering they were across from each other but they thought it went well when they hugged and Sarah put on a fake smile. Topper with a real smile.

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The Pouges got to the train area where the cross was gonna be and dived into partners. Cleo and Pope together, Sarah and Kie together and JJ and Avery. JJ and the brunette hopped off his motorcycle and started running to the track where JJ stripped and fell but got back up.

JJ stuck the end of the wire inside a pole where other wires were coming out from, then stuck the other end of the wire and this metal holder onto the track. They stared at stop light waiting for it to turn red and not green.

Once it turned red JJ and Avery started celebrating and high-fived each other. They then crouched down behind a bush waiting for the train to stop, and once it did they watched the driver get out seeing the wire.

The driver looked around as he started pulling the wire out from the truck "trains about to start, we gotta go help" JJ claps his hands as he stood up and began running to where Pope was, Avery following behind.

JJ sat onto his motorcycle but something fell out his pocket "JJ you dropped your-" Avery bent down and grabbed the wallet with her dads initials on it "why do you have this?"

"If I got called a thief might as well get something out of it" JJ states not looking into Averys eyes. He didn't want to see how hurt she was. He couldn't deal with that right now.

"JJ, you're giving my parents reasons not to like you"

"Look, we cant Talk about this right now, get on" JJ semi yells. Avery placed her dads wallet in her back pocket and climbed on his motorcycle placing both arms around the blonde boy. Before JJ started driving Topper came driving passed them.

JJ and Avery were right behind Toppers truck as a cop car was behind Avery and JJ. Avery was terrified "JJ" the girl yells

"I know I know" JJ replies as he picked up speed, and riding right next to the truck.

"Ave, get ready to jump" JJ yells

"What?" Avery shouts dumbfounded

Pope was also shocked "what?"

"Have you lost your mind?" Avery shouts. There was no way she was gonna jump off of a moving motorcycle onto a moving truck. She did not want to risk her life.

"Probably! Get ready to jump" JJ rode closer to the truck so it would be easier for the girl, he cared for.

Pope held out his arms for the brunette "come on. Come on. I've got you. I've got you. Come on"

Avery cursed under her breath as she placed her hands on JJs shoulder and slowly stood up on the seat and jumped onto the truck falling in between Pope and Cleo.

"Are you okay?" Pope asks his best friend

"Yeah. Never doing that again though" Avery chuckles. Her laughs died down when JJ threw a rock at the cops window. He was getting chased now, not them. JJ rode a different way as the cop followed him. Sarah yelled at Topper for him to go back and go to JJ which he obeyed.

"Topper go left" Pope yells

"No, I'm getting out of here" Topper says not turning the wheel. Sarah took off her seat belt and turned the wheel ignoring Toppers 'no' 'stop'. When they turned they saw nothing. That was until they saw JJ on the bridge in front of them. The next thing they saw was JJ crashing and his motorcycle breaking and fell a few feet away from the truck.

Avery felt like she couldn't breath. She jumped off the back of the truck and walked over to his motorcycle "JJ? JJ, please where are you" the brunette screams.

They all looked around but there was no sight of the blonde boy. Avery fell to her knees ignoring the pain of the rocks into her skin. The brunette started crying "no, no, no, not JJ"

Cleo bent down next to the brunette placing a hand on her back "Avery, it's gonna be alright. We're gonna find him"

Avery shook her head "then where is he? Cleo, I can't lose him" the brunette cries.

Averys cries stopped as she heard the voice she loved most "I wish I could say I did that on purpose, but that was the gnarliest power slide I've ever done"

Avery stood up and turned around to face the blonde boy, as all of the Pouges started giving him hugs then walked back to the truck. Avery, stood there wiping her tears as she kept eye contact with JJ.

The brunette ran to the blonde boy and hugged him "I thought I lost you" Avery says as she pulled out the hug. JJ felt bad for the girl. As he stared into her glossy honey eyes, he could see the pain she was just in.

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